The idea of my first post was to address the concerns that the e3000 wasn't
getting enough publicity.  Making a card for Carly is fine, but that still
doesn't alert others outside HP (besides, I thought the "contact HP's
executives" idea had already been tried to no avail?).  If you do a card,
you could take a photo of people wearing their owl T-shirts to accompany

I was talking to a friend today about the ad idea, and he suggested a
cheaper alternative:  having the president of the user group (or anyone,
really) write a letter to the editor of INFOWORLD.  Something to the effect
of, "Saw the article on the AS400--have been waiting ever since for your
article on the HP e3000--when's it due?"  Or it could directly address the
non-promotion issue.  Whatever he or she wants to write.  Even if it
doesn't get printed, at least you've told INFOWORLD your community exists,
which is part of the point, no?

What are the one-day ad rates for the local Philly papers?

Julie Bixby
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