You might want to consider changing to CDROM for the MPEiX media, adding
a DVD to the e3000 and cut your own update tapes.  An advantage is that
you can also merge in the power patch tapes, and you can verify that you
have the correct subsystems.  It reduces the number of reboots.    It
also saves contacting HP multiple times when the subsystem tape doesn't
have the correct products on it.

What type of aborts were you getting?

Most of the MPEix 6.0 problems we've seen during updates have been
related to missing PSEUDO entries for the SCSI devices or a JAVA HFS
name at root, (built from early jazz releases...)

I have seen two or three times in which I get strange system aborts
after I've moved a machine to MPEiX 6.0 with Powerpatch 2, and
immediately try adding reactive patches.  But I'm almost convinced that
in these cases the problem was bad media.   Fortuantely since the system
would crash on the boot after the update, but before any subsystem files
could be restored from the tape, I only needed to update from the
previous MPEiX 6.0 tape, clean the DAT and repeat the update off the
reactive patch tape.  That worked on two of the three, the third I went
back to MPEiX 6.0,  re-created the reactive patch tape on new media
(because MPEiX had then started to report the media bad) and everything
worked okay.

Because of the problems with these three systems,  I always spend the
extra time to use CHECKSLT to read and verify the tape is readable and

Donna Garverick wrote:
> hi all!
> so, how badly??  well after 15 hours(!), i finally said it's
> as good as it's going to get (especially considering it was
> 2am) and crawled home.  it would seem that i got a (base)
> 6.0 subsys tape that was the victim of a bad build.  for
> now, it seems that the network portion of the tape was
> packaged incorrectly.  i haven't heard any screaming from
> the programmers so that makes me think (hope) that the other
> software was put onto the tape ok.
> and why 15 hours?  oh...that's because the final step of the
> 1st update process failed (putting on the reactive
> (post-pp2) patches) and i got to backdate(!) and start all
> over.  so i'm left with a system that sorta/kinda
> ds<anything> works at the moment...and hp is telling me i
> have no choice other than to do yet another update.  (i
> don't quite agree at the moment....i'm reluctant to accept
> os update advice from a networking engineer...)  my head
> still's likely to continue to hurt....and i'm off
> to place yet another phone call to hp <sigh>
> the kicker is -- hp knows there's a problem (of what size?
> i don't know) with the 6.0 subsys tapes.  there's nothing i
> could have done to tell if my subsys tape was 'correct' or
> not.  it verified just physically the tape is ok.
> there was supposed to be an express 1 subsys release but
> very few people got those tapes because the (logical)
> quality/integrity of the tapes were so bad.  i hadn't heard
> (prior to yesterday) that there were problems with the base
> 6.0 tapes.  i don't know how wide-spread the problem is.  i
> know many of 'us' have already gone to 6.0 with no problem
> -- we certainly would have heard about it on the list :-)
> but i would think by now hp might have identified the subsys
> tapes that were at least suspect and notified the folks that
> received them.  i may be completely wrong....i may not be
> but i'm not a happy camper at the moment.       - d
> --
> Donna Garverick     Sr. System Programmer
> 925-210-6631        [log in to unmask]
> >>>MY opinions, not Longs Drug Stores'<<<