On Tue, 1 Aug 2000 15:30:07 +0100, Andy Johnson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>Recreational divers often make statements like, "I wanna dive in
>>XXX before I die", or "I really like to dive in XXX one of these
>>days."   We ALL know what those "XXX"s are.  I've never heard
>>anyone using "Europe" in "XXX".  :-)

>Scapa Flow? Mull?  These may not be the ultimate to WWWs, but to any
>European diver they are Valhalla :-)
>(Amongst other places in Europe  of course).
>And I really want to dive the Salsette again before I die !!!

Andy, you have unwittingly proved my point!  Mull?  FUC 6.4!

BUT, you got me there on a technicality. :-)   I should have said,
not anyone "non-endemic to those local regions in Europe" (ob scuba
and marine biology on the use of the term "endemic" :-)).

-- Bob.