I've been reading the various threads that spawned from ...what the heck WAS the original topic, anyway? ...

As a retired Army Sergeant Major, I have my opinions about the Constitution, gun control, the military, etc, etc, etc just like everyone else.

However, the one thought I couldn't shake while reading all the various ideas was that we are perhaps benefiting from 20-20 hindsight.  The men who drafted our Declaration of Independence and later the American Constitution were embarking on a political and cultural experiment that they knew at the time would take centuries to come to fruition, if it ever did.  They could not possibly have envisioned two World Wars, the Cold War, nuclear weapons, or even a planet of 230-plus nations and 6 billion people.  I believe, though, that some of them did foresee the American Civil War as an inevitable outcome of their refusal to deal with slavery.

They wrote to deal with what they saw as the issues and demands of their time, not ours, and did such a remarkable job that our Constitution is still functioning 225 years later.  Will it continue to function for another 225 years?  Who knows?  The United States is one of the greatest sociological experiments in human history, and whether it succeeds or not remains the $64,000 question.  America has been very fortunate and very successful ... however, it has not yet succeeded.

Wonder how it will all turn out?

The Almighty please bless all of us, around the world.

And now back to reality ... has anyone else heard anything about a release date for PP1 to 6.5?

Bob Graham