An early version of the e-speak prototype has been running on
MPE/iX 6.0 since last year.  However, we have not pursued the e-speak
technology any further due to the lack of demands from our
customers.  Please let us know if you are interested in integrating
your MPE applications and providing e-services using e-speak.

- OnOn Hong.  HP CSY R&D.

>On Fri, 14 Jul 2000 12:23:12 -0600, daniel <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hi, Fuminori Ido
>The reply is yes & no.
>e-Speak core does not run on MPE/iX. With release 3.01, the Network
>Object Model based clients is also not able to run entirely on MPE
>platform. There are some libraries that are JNI based and are available
>only on NT/HPUX/LINUX. I've ported the one of the libraries to MPE.
>Still working on the others. I have communicated with the corp e-Speak
>group and am getting responses that indicate there is no near or long
>term plans to include MPE as one of the targetted platform as of now.
>With some "creative" design, you can have a thin client (java or C
>based) on MPE that communicates with NT/HPUX/LINUX based service.
>I haven't tried the web-based clients,though. But I figure, you can
>still manage by having a thin client on MPE. I'm currently working in a
>prototyping project to replace a supply chain business process in our
>organisation with e-Speak. Some of our business apps run on MPE.
>Hope it's helpful.
>Daniel Rathinam
>Hewlett-Packard Company
>Global Support Logistics, Information Technology
>8000 Foothills Blvd, Mailstop 5704
>Roseville, California
>[log in to unmask]
>Phone: (916) 785-9592
>FAX: (916) 785-1223
>Fuminori Ido wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anybody know if e-speak on HP3000 is available?
>> I am just curious.  If it exists, interaction between NT,9000,Linux,and
>> by e-speak can be one of the solution.
>> I looked into, but I could not find out any e-speak
>> inforamtion.
>> Best Regards,
>> Fuminori Ido, HP Japan IT EAS Technical Support