On Tue, 11 Jul 2000 06:59:45 -0400, Ronald La Pierre
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Our software provider has recently upgraded to 6.5.  We are on 5.5 PP7.
>They typically compile on their machine, transfer to ours and link it on
>our machine (the executables are large to transfer).
>We are now getting the unsatisfied symbols of $$div2I, $$mul12U, etc (as
>stated in the the communicator for 6.5) when linked.
>Does anyone know of a workaround to prevent us from upgrading our 3000's.
>I don't know if it's possible to use the 6.5 milli.lib.sys on a 5.5 system.
>Thanks in advance for any input.

The application must be compiled and linked on the 6.5 system.  Once that
is done, the application will run fine on a 5.5 PP7 system.  You can not
compile an application on 6.5 and then link it on older versions of the
operating system.

Roger Klump        [log in to unmask]
Manager Hardware Services
Orion Group Software Engineers