Nick Demos wrote:
> Doug Becker wrote:
> >
> > For many years Security/3000 has offered a set of standard questions:
> >
> > What is your MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME:
> > Where was your FATHER BORN:
> > What was the COLOR OF YOUR FIRST CAR:
> > What was the MAKE OF YOUR FIRST CAR:
> > What ELEMENTARY SCHOOL did you go to:
> >
> > These questions are fully customizable, so here is a challenge for you all to offer updated and modern questions.
> >
> > Here are mine, but feel free to add to the fray:
> >
> > What is the first Star Trek Episode you remember:
> > Where is the city of the Bank Card to whom you owe the most money:
> > What is the name of the actor / actress you would stalk if you were a stalker:
> > Besides Dilbert, who is your favorite cartoon character:
> > Who is your favorite rock band:
> >
> What is the birth date of your first wife?
> What is the birth date of your second wife?
> What is the birth date of your third wife?
> What is the birth date of your girl friend?  Nah, too easy.

Redneck version:

What is the name of the first cousin you dated?
What is the name of the prison your momma is in?
What was the name of your favorite coon dawg?
What is the expire date on your Waffle House Credit Card?