On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 13:41:39 +0100, Andy Johnson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>Coral reefs aren't everything, I like a little variety. Can't wait to dive
>>the North Sea again. Hey Andy, what about a nice St. Kilda trip sometime
>>the next couple of years?
>Ooooohhhhhhhh,  alright then :-)
>Andy Johnson

Andy and Mika, if you like "a little variety", how about a dive around
Tokyo (if there're dive sites) for the Gofu fish which the Japanese
like to risk their lives (from its deadly poison) eating, and I saw
one of those fellas in Bora Bora recently.  :-)  But I've never seen
anybody drop dead eating a fish that's known to be highly poisonous,
voluntarily!  Now THAT's variety alright.

Continental is running a SPECIAL airfare to Tokyo, which has to be
booked by Aug 2 and travelled before Sept 13.  So, Sue and I are
going there after my Cocos Island dive trip -- from Hammerhead to

-- Bob.