On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 22:12:37 +1000, Christian Gerzner
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Reef Fish <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Christian Gerzner <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>Mika wrote:
>>> Most sites on Molasses are around 25ft deep. Unless you specifically
>>> request one of the outer buoys, where the water is a bit deeper. So what
>>> problem do you have with an ascent from 25ft? Most tourists run out of
>>> after about 40min out there, so they'll do that maybe twice.

>< snip Christian's stuff about his deco dives >

>> I passed up commenting on Mike's remark because he obviously missed
>> my point;  but since you missed that point too, here it is:
>> It is not a GOOD THING <tm> to bounce up-and-down to the surface
>> (as in a saw-tooth dive) every 15 minutes, regardless of depth,
>> ESPECIALLY for novices who are unlikely to have good buoyancy
>> control to do so slowly.
>> (snip)

>Now I know that I have been fairly lazy of late when it comes to
>submitting my undoubtedly valuable contributions to this list but ...
>please, Sir, do I _have_ to answer _every_ point of any post I might
>respond to? Really?

Of course not.  Note that I did NOT comment on ANY of the points your
made in YOUR post.  So your sarcasm here was entirely superfluous and
off target.

I was merely pointing out what you BOTH MISSED regarding the point *I*
made, relative to Mika's passage you cited in reply to my point.
It was ME clarifying an IMPORTANT POINT made by ME, missed by not
one, but two respondents in the thread.  You even agreed, with your
"Indeed", once the missed point was CLARIFIED.

So, what's the fuss?

>Your sage advice on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
>Just in case the newcomers, or oldtimers still wondering what the hell
>is going on, can't tell, this post is supposed to be fairly sarcastic.

You could have saved it for a more appropriate occasion.  Some sage
once said, "Silence is Golden" on some occasions.

-- Bob.