I had a full LDEV 1 recently, and after remembering to SPOOLER @;OPENQ and
restart logging, I"m seeing a strange problem. The output from LISTJOBQ is not
consistent with the output from SHOWJOB.


HPSYSJQ   1         5     25
SERVER    20        13    9
SHORT     2         0     0
SINGLE    1         0     0

Note that for the SERVER queue, LISTJOBQ is reporting *more* EXECuting jobs
than the total! Also, the EXEC count for HPSYSJQ does not match SHOWJOB (0
EXEC, 15 WAIT). I suppose a reboot would probably fix all this, but I'd rather
know how it got there and how to fix it without rebooting. Anyone got any

Jon Diercks <[log in to unmask]>