On Tue, 16 May 2000 13:05:07 -0700, Gavin Scott <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>JDBC is part of Image/SQL, which is a purchased product which is delivered
>on a SUBSYS tape.  The only way to get JDBC today is to make sure that your
>support contract includes Image/SQL, and then get a 6.0 Express 1 SUBSYS
>tape sent to you.
>It's quite possible that JDBC is also part of the full ALLBASE product, so
>you'll get it if you have either Image/SQL or Allbase, but so far I've only
>been able to confirm that the files ship on SUBSYS tapes that include

there is supposed to be a 6.0 express 1 subsys tape???  last subsys tape i
got was for base 6.0.  fwiw, i checked my base 6.0 subsys tape and there was
nothing on the tape for @.jdbc.sys.            - d