Good day (Gutentag),

I only can confirm that I also experienced a lot of networkproblems since
using JINETD instead of connecting through DTC's where sessions sometimes
freeze and mostly get kicked off. What makes it xtra difficult is the fact
that there are probably sometimes network problems inbetween users PC's and
HP3000 machines (a 969 and a 968, both running 5.5 pp7 with a 256 user
license), not related to the machines itself (router problems etc.), because
it sometimes seems to infect a certain region in the country only.
But we don't admin the network, and also (mostly) don't even get to hear
that there are network problems, so it is sometimes hard to pinpoint whether
a problem is on the hp3000 or within the network itself.

We got a TELNET patch and something to keep the gateway open (because when
the network failed bigtime, our mpe machines couldn't cope with that and you
just had to restart the network facility on the hp3000's) from HP. The
XGATEUPJ-job (as we called it) seems to work fine (checks to see whether its
gateway is still working every 2 minutes and restarts it when it's down).
But we still got telnet trouble where people get disconnected for no reason
at all (apparently); it really doesn't matter what they are doing at the

Good tests to check the status on the hp3000's are VERY welcome!!! I only
try to see whether connecting to the machine is possible, and do a ping or
traceroute to the hp3000's and/or user PC's and in 99 out of 100 cases that
ALWAYS works, so I really don't now whether there is/was a network problem
within the network or on the hp3000's. Sometimes I saw messages on the
console like "Can't innitiate path, JINETD" (as I recall it...), from which
an engineer from HP said it was harmless (these messages disappeared
by-the-way, after you restarted the network on the hp3000's).

Sorry, this is not really an answer, but maybe all our problems are related
to another or a common dominator, and it maybe may ring a bell by someone

bArtoque    ;-)
[log in to unmask]

"[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in
message news:8f8a04$vd9$12$
> Hi All!
> Here comes a question about a network-problem we have sometimes, but more
> and more. We are using a HP979 with a Userlimit of 400 Sessions connecting
> over the HP-PC-Network to a PC-Novell-Network using Reflection 1,
> 2, Minisoft 92 and sometimes Reflection 7. In the past it happens now more
> than one time, that all sessions freezes and the sessions were killed
> (everywhere in the system). The only chance to "repair" this was to
> shut-down the HP-PC-Network and restart it - but all unsave datas were
> or corrupt (not finished orders). Up to 300 sessions were affected by this
> failure...
> In the past we increased the Userlimit from 300 to 400. After this the
> failure happens the first time. We have no idea if this could depend on
> increasing the possible sessions.
> Now we're planning to consult several services and supporters...but maybe
> someone in this newsgroup has experiences with this problem or a hint how
> solve it ?
> Thanks a lot!!
> Holger Schrörs
> QVC Germany / IS&T - MIS