Sounds that it has been made "de-useful" to me.  Only
because as I remember it, the original "intent" of the
console WAS to run STORES and RESTOREs as OPERATOR.SYS.

The former message indicates that priviledged commands must
now be run from another session, either off the LAN or another
terminal in the computer room.  The console in effect, is
no longer the console.  It also seems to imply there are some
rather low-calibre personnel running around the same area as the
console AND that it needs extra protection apart from having a
locked computer room.

But then, if you're running in a high-security environment, then
all bets on my above opinion are off.  For that reason I'd
reverse it and endorse the earlier message.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joseph Dolliver [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> [snip]
> We use on that excludes capabilities like SM,OP,PM. This prevents the
> console to be used interactively for running stores,restores
> and any other  interactive SM function. Basicly setting up a DUMB device
> that just scrolls  messages. The console "when needed for anything"
> should be used by experienced users only. It's a very useful setup.