On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 14:30:07 -0400, Scott Root <[log in to unmask]>

>We have a 957/lx that we are upgrading to a 987/sx. I've been told it =
>is as simple as removing all our cards, memory and discs (including =
>LDEV1) from the 957 and dropping them in the 987 (in a perfect world). =
>Is it this simple? Does any prep work to be done in the system =
>configuration beforehand?=20

I hope you got any pricing increases your software vendors want for
you crawling up the hardware tier... if not, you could be in for a
NASTY surprise from some of the companies out there. Software costs
can easily surpass hardware costs during an upgrade if you are

And do they really move the peripherals from one machine to another,
or do they just swap out the motherboard on the original box?