In <0B92735D9781D3118F04009027B0C1AB155A62@NTMAIL01> [log in to unmask] writes:

> Would somebody mind posting an example of a WHILE/ENDWHILE loop in a stream
> job. What I am wanting to do is stream a database resizing job from my
> DAYCLOSE do something like this:


You might consider one of the following;

If you're on MPE/iX 6.0 use the new syntax for the PAUSE command -

If not, I use the following command file (we call WAITFOR.XEQ.SYS) to wait
for a job to log off:

parm lookfor,logon="JOBS.SGAII",exclusive="N"

comment This job looks for any executing job in !logon (i.e. JOBS.SGAII)
comment with the string 'lookfor' in the job line. If found, we wait til
comment it logs off.
comment If 'exclusive' ="Y" then if we end up waiting, we set the system
comment job limit to 0; until we're done waiting.
comment We set the CIVAR _oldlimit to the job limit before we change it,
comment so it can be reset (by something else) later.

setvar _oldlimit !HPJOBLIMIT

echo Looking for @!lookfor@,!logon at !hpdatef !hptimef
xeq findjob.xeq !lookfor,"!logon"
if !_found>0 then

  IF UPS("!exclusive")="Y" THEN
    xeq limit.xeq.sys 0

  while !_found>0 do
    pause 60
    xeq findjob.xeq !lookfor,"!logon"

echo Done at !hpdatef !hptimef

Hope that helps...
   -Chris Bartram