I have been working with Unix in a few flavors for a few years, and now I
have been given the
task of hacking into our companies HP 3000 to figure out where our own data
is stored.
what the table structure is
what the size of the files.
Can we export it to CSV or ascii files,
Basically our company wants of our HP 3000 MPE and move into the 9000.

p.s. our sysadmin  / consultant who was quite good for years is out of the
country for a few months.   So there is no way I get this type of help from
him.      Even though I have asked him before,  he seemed more interested in
doing the work, then telling the person responsible how to do it..

Are there books ? on MPE (sure I have the manuals)   But where would one
start ...

Basically all I know is the listf command, and that our Sysadmin tells me
that FTP service is not avail, and neither is telnet service.

Reading over the last weeks postings here,  I see that we have been taking
for quite a ride.

Thank you guys in advance.

Bob Lee