Yes, this works, thank you very much.

Wirt Atmar <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> Gib writes:
> > I'm just starting to use QCTerm.
> >  I try QEDIT visual mode to update a file.
> >  Wehn I hit some of the keys shuch as the
> >  numeric keypad enter key I get the following:
> >   Suspect transfer (missing Linefeed), no UPDATE (see qscreen)
> >  I can't find a way to save the screen information that I keyed.
> The problem isn't with QCTerm or Qedit, it's with your current version of
> telnet software that you have on your HP3000. The version you have, at no
> extra charge, and without asking, strips the LF off of the CRLF pair that
> QCTerm is transmitting to the HP3000. Because of this, Qedit objects,
> that the transfer was suspect because it never saw a LF, and thus won't
> your modifications.
> This problem has been fixed in the beta versions of the new telnet patch,
> that won't do you any good today. In the interim, Robelle has reworked
> so that you can type in the phrase:
>      set vi ignorelf on
> (or something very close to that; look it up in your help to be sure) and
> have Qedit properly ignore the missing LF's.
> At that point, you should be cooking.
> Wirt Atmar