There is an unfortunate typo in the 6.0 Powerpatch 2 "Read Before Install"
document.  On Page 6, there is an article entitled "Discontinuance of High
Availability Fiber Link Disk Drives".

The last sentence in the second paragraph reads "The last release of MPE/iX
to support HP-FL drivers and disk will be MPE/iX 6.0."  This statement is

The next sentence (the only sentence in the third paragraph) reads "The
following is a partial list of products not carried foreword (sic) in MPE/iX
6.0 Powerpatch 2:", followed by a list of products.  This is the statement
that is in error -- these products ARE supported in 6.0 Powerpatch 2, and
they will be supported in all future 6.0 based Expresses & Powerpatches.
These products are NOT supported in Release 6.5.

We apologize for the confusion.

Jon Cohen
Commercial Systems Division