Ken and Joe,
    It is very obvious that you and others have put a great deal of effort
and time into placing the SIGIMAGE and SIGHPSQL info online, but when I
reached the page where I was to vote there was no clear cut way to review
the ballot measures before I actually voted. There was a reference to the
"SIGIMAGE 2000 Enhancement Ballot" on the web site
Document, but there was no URL referencing it. Please advise.

                           Thank You...........Eric Sand
                                                      [log in to unmask]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sletten Kenneth W KPWA [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 2:05 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      SIGIMAGE + SIGHPSQL Enhancement Ballots are online.
> Importance:   High
> Hello All TurboIMAGE, Image/SQL, and ALLBASE users:
> ********************************************************
> The SIGIMAGE and SIGHPSQL polls are now open !!
> ********************************************************
> The 2000 Enhancement Ballots for both SIGs are now up on the
> web, and available for users to cast ballots for those HP 3000
> database enhancements they would most like HP to do next....
> *BUT*:  Before all IMAGE and ALLBASE users rush off to the
> designated URL to vote, a couple notes on deadlines, procedures,
> and changes to the ballots for 2000:
> (1)   You do NOT have to be an Interex member to vote on the
> SIGIMAGE and SIGHPSQL Ballots.  All users are encouraged to
> vote (if you don't put in your two cents, others will get to make the
> decision).
> (2)   The SIGHPSQL Ballot (was SIGALLBASE) now contains ALL
> SQL-related items that deal with both ALLBASE *and* the "SQL-
> only" portions of Image/SQL.  Of 45 items now on the SIGHPSQL
> Ballot, all but one or two also apply to SQL access to TurboIMAGE
> via Image/SQL.  Therefore if you now do or plan to do *any* SQL
> / ODBC access to your TurboIMAGE databases via Image/SQL,
> you need to VOTE ON BOTH BALLOTS.  The SIGHPSQL Ballot
> also includes the 14 enhancement requests dealing directly with
> the IMAGESQL utility program:  Items 08 - 21.  Note Items 22 - 38
> on the SIGHPSQL ballot are "New / Improved SQL features for
> both Allbase/SQL and Image/SQL";  Item 21 is the last IMAGESQL
> utility enhancement.
> (3)   With the SQL-related items moved to the SIGHPSQL Ballot,
> the SIGIMAGE Ballot still has 40 items that deal with TurboIMAGE
> and supporting utility programs:  DBUTIL, DBSCHEMA, QUERY.
> (4)   In order to make what is now a hard deadline to get the "Top
> 20" results from each SIG Ballot to Interex in time for distribution
> of the System Improvement Ballot (SIB) to all Interex members,
> That will give everyone 15 days to cast their ballot.  Note that just
> as in '99, balloting is being done ONLY on the web this year....
> Special thanks to my fellow member of the SIGIMAGE Executive
> Committee Joe Geiser, for doing all the work to set up and host
> the SIGIMAGE and SIGHPSQL 2000 Ballots on his web site.  The
> results are of course being tallied in an Image/SQL database....
> :-)
> And now < drum roll > please proceed directly to a voting booth,
> by pointing your browser at:
> Ken Sletten