I'm having trouble getting SAMBA to work.  I'm using SAMBA/ix 0.7 on MPE

I set up an account Temp with the group Pub.  MPE access is
R,L,X:any;W,A:ac.  The Pub group is R,L,A,W,X,S:any.  In POSIX it shows TEMP
dr-xr-xr-x.  Pub shows drwxrwxr-x.  I have two users in the account; one
which is mgr.  I tried changing the TEMP and PUB through POSIX with the
chmod, but I can't seem to get that to work.  I get invalid argument.

In my smb.conf file, I have the following:

guest account = mgr.temp
browseable = yes
path = /TEMP/PUB
guest ok = yes
readonly = no

My user.map file contains:  mgr.temp = mgr

With above, I can get in as a guest and do not have to provide a password or
user name, but I cannot write to the share.
I get the message access denied.

If I remove the guest ok from smb.conf, I can't get to the share.  Upon
trying to enter a user name and password, I can't get to the share.
I get invalid user/password.  I tried various combinations of valid MPE
users for the TEMP account.  I am trying to access the share from an NT 4.0
machine.  I installed the registry hack and tried putting encrypt password =
yes in the smb.conf file.  That didn't help.

Any help will be appreciated.
