Patrick Santucci wrote:
> Rather than the new checkbox(es), why not just issue a few commands to
> remap the keyboard to the functions you want? I did this back on version
> 4.01 and it's still working in 5.21 (we haven't upgraded to 7.0 yet, so I
> can't say for sure it will work there, but I don't see why it shouldn't).
> Here's what to do:
> o  Press Alt+Y to open a Reflection command window.
> o  Copy and paste the following into the command window:
> ;-- Commands to remap keyboard to use standard Windows keys
> KEYMAP Ctrl+O TO FileOpen
> KEYMAP Ctrl+P TO FilePrint
> KEYMAP Ctrl+A TO EditSelectAll
> KEYMAP Ctrl+C TO EditCopy
> KEYMAP Ctrl+V TO EditPaste
> ;-- end
> I'm surprised WRQ didn't suggest this method, it's really easy.

That was a good suggestion, and in fact is equivalent to what the checkbox
does and avoids the issue with Ctrl-X.  If you have the patched version,
check the checkbox and execute the RCL command "KEYMAP CHANGED COMMANDS" to
see your suggested commands magically appear in the display.  I generally
avoid suggesting using a programming solution to a problem, but for the
audience in this newsgroup, I think your solution was better than mine.

WRQ, Inc