On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 11:29:25 -0500, "Aaron Ferraro"
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>  I had a request by a customer who requested NFS services on his 3000
>MPE/ix system. I always thought that NFS was UNIX only.

Not really ... there are a handful of NFS implementations for NT, for
instance. However, most mainframe vendors see how poorly designed NFS
really is (you would not believe the hacks needed to be able to lock a
file over NFS...), and since they assume their customers don't want to
put a junky network file system design on top of their otherwise
robust native file systems, I don't know if there are a lot of ports
of NFS to non-UNIX, non-NT systems.

> I once heard it was
>created by SUN microsystems but not sure

That is correct, and Sun pretty much decides what each generation of
NFS will look like. All current NFS implementations by any vendor for
any platform are largely derived from Sun's "reference" NFS product.
That's part of the problem, perhaps. :)

Your customer wanting NFS ... is that to import NFS filesystems FROM
other boxes (NFS client), or the export MPE/iX filesystem TO other
boxes (NFS server)?