Wirt mentions options for supporting The World in QCTerm:

> We will support diacriticals "soon" (in the finest Atmarian-
> calendaric sense). The current version of QCTerm is written
> in 16-bit VB3. We found font-switching to be extremely slow
> in this version of VB, thus we were compelled to put the line-
> drawing characters where the European diacritically-marked
> characters would have been, .....
> We have two paths to adding diactricals to QCTerm open to
> us:  one is to convert all of QCTerm's code to VB6 and use
> DBCS (double-byte character system). .....
> ......  The other is to develop a fast-switching font routine,
> usable in either VB3 or VB6. We haven't decided yet which
> one we'll do, but we will do one or the other "soon."

I'm going to try and get the 3000-L community to join me in
"plugging" for the VB6 solution....  while I appreciate how Wirt
has gone above and beyond the call not to leave any of the
16-bit-only users behind, surely the number of serious
production HP 3000 sites still doing the 16-bit DOS thing must
be dwindling fast towards zero ?? (at least I hope so)...   and
going to VB6 must be by far the best "looking ahead" solution...

Besides solving the "limited font" problem, I would expect going
to 32-bit VB6 would be a "good thing" all around for Win9x and
WinNT/2000 users....  like our site....   While I have no hard
evidence, I have noticed a few things here and there running
16-bit apps under WinNT (SP5) that lead me to believe we
would be better off not to have to do that emulation.....   :-)

Of course given all the money all of us paid for QCTerm, I guess
if we get to vote according to the level of our up-front cash
investment there is still only one person that gets to "vote" on
this...     ;-)

Ken Sletten