Purchase a DLT system
It's faster, more reliable than DAT, and less cheaper !

I have one on my 979KS100
Instead of 4 hours, the backup takes about 1h30mn


Paul H Christidis wrote in message ...
>Fellow listers,
>After a recent rash of problems, where our backup would not fit on our
>DDS-2 drives, I decided to try and see if I could 'upgrade' to DDS-3 and
>the extra tape capacity would resolve the need of someone driving in the
>of the night to mount the additional tapes  (For a variety of reasons going
>DLT is not an option at this point).
>After finding out that my sales rep. had retired and after being passed
>and waiting for a call back for a couple of days, I finally talked to human
>being today and I was informed that the only DDS-3 drives available for my
>system (a 969/220) were of the 're-marketed' variety.
>Does this sound right?  The DDS-3 drive 'product' has already been
>Paul Christidis