On Tue, 18 Jan 2000 14:10:03 -0500, Denys Beauchemin
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>To which I add the next iteration of DDS is, wait for it, drum roll please.
>. ., DDS-5, probably in the 2001-2002 timeframe.  This will introduce yet
>another DDS tape, probably close to 200 meters.  It is going to have to be
>extremely thin and the track pitch will probably be 33% smaller than DDS-4.
> I would not be at all surprised if that drive were unable to read DDS-1

Do we think HP is going to actively market DDS-5, since by the 2001
timeframe their LTO technology ought to be in the second generation?

Also, has anyone checked out the VXA technology by Ecrix? I'm a sucker
for products which are totally unlike other "standard" products, and
with their variable tape speed and packet (not stream) techniques,
they fit the bill.