Hello all,

How can I programatically get the spool file id (#Oxxx.out.hpspool) of a
given job number. You should assume that this job had allready ended.

This should be done within a 'c' program (i.e. intrinsic or AIF or
alike). (or other idea one have).

I tried to use the JOBINFO intrinsic (item 32) but it is good for running
jobs only. Calling it after job ends gives 0.

BTW, I noticed that when the system exceeds the job munbers limit (16323)
SHOWJOB show me somethimes TWO outspool files. This is probably because the
'new' job number now have assosiation to two out files. (of course I didnt
clean the out.hpspool group.
Is there a way to filter it to see only the latest out spool file?
