UTC Community:

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all students and employees. This message serves as the annual reminder of that commitment.

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA)<https://law.justia.com/codes/us/1995/title20/chap27/subchapxii/sec1145g> and U.S. Department of Education, General Administrative Regulations, Part 86<https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-34/subtitle-A/part-86?toc=1> (commonly known as "EDGAR Part 86" or "EDGAR 86"), the University has adopted and implemented programs to prevent the use of illicit drugs and alcohol abuse by students and employees.

  *   In compliance with applicable state and federal laws, the UTC Student Code of Conduct<https://www.utc.edu/studentcode> prohibits the unlawful use, manufacturing, possession, distribution, selling, or dispensing of illegal drugs and alcohol by students on University-controlled property or in connection with a University-affiliated activity.
  *   In compliance with applicable state and federal laws, UT System Human Resources Policy 720<https://policy.tennessee.edu/policy/hr0720-drug-free-campus-and-workplace/> prohibits the unlawful use, manufacture, possession, distribution or dispensing of drugs ("controlled substances" as defined in the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. 812) and alcohol by employees on University-controlled property or during University-affiliated activities.

Additionally, the University has conducted and published its Biennial Review<https://www.utc.edu/sites/default/files/2024-03/UTC%20Biennial%20Review%202020-2022_0.pdf> of our drug and alcohol prevention programs. This document includes information regarding (1) University policies related to illicit drugs and alcohol abuse; (2) state and federal legal sanctions for the unlawful possession or
distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol; (3) the health risks associated with the abuse of alcohol or use of illicit drugs; (4) a list of drug and alcohol programs, treatment, and rehabilitation services for students and employees; and (5) University disciplinary sanctions for students and employees who violate drug and alcohol policies.

For more information about the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA), EDGAR Part 86, or to review the University's most recent Biennial Review, please visit go.utc.edu/dfsca<https://go.utc.edu/dfsca>.