Welcome Back Mocs!

With the return from the holidays, the United States is seeing a general increase in viral illness, especially Flu and COVID-19. There has been a greater than 6% increase in general respiratory viruses, with a greater than 17% increase in Flu. These trends<https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm> are expected to continue to increase.

Here are a few things to note as we enter into this respiratory disease season!

There is still time to get your flu vaccine and COVID-19 booster. Vaccines are offered at most local pharmacies. Use this vaccine finder<https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjO98aMhJKDAxWNWQ8CHfAXD0oYABAAGgJ0Yg&ase=2&gclid=Cj0KCQiAj_CrBhD-ARIsAIiMxT_RC7_A2ex2wU5yYcZOjnrxGw22cyL1dCvoEfVV4KtQ3SPP1KWRZzUaAjMiEALw_wcB&ei=lpV8ZeflNrvliLMP_eewsA8&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2OBJKnIbujZTyKNcsFUeZWwYToy8B_0fDkZDJrTxNrkQAfA5VyG4O36KMC3qQ3y5QuB98YoxA6ortkXvfFUy36udCcZT2tUSVnNlcUWEnd8BEJrSM&sig=AOD64_2zRtVHLJdqPHX0Pls2KoBKBXocvw&q&sqi=2&nis=4&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjniLeMhJKDAxW7MmIAHf0zDPYQ0Qx6BAgLEAE> to find one convenient for you.

If you feel ill, stay home. If you are unable to stay home wear a mask around others while you are sick.

University Health Services is available by appointment for the evaluation and treatment of your illness. Call 423-425-2266 for an appointment Monday through Friday, 8 am - 5 pm. More information on the services offered can be found on our website<https://www.utc.edu/enrollment-management-and-student-affairs/university-health-services> as well as information on when to seek care for your Upper Respiratory Symptoms<https://www.utc.edu/enrollment-management-and-student-affairs/university-health-services/Upper-Respiratory-Infections>.

  4.   If you have documentation from a healthcare provider that you should stay home, submit this to the Office of Student Outreach and Support (SOS) here<https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?UTChattanooga&layout_id=68)> and make sure it includes a date when you can return to school. This must come from a healthcare provider for an academic absence notification to be sent to your professors.

Wishing you the best in health,
University Health Services


Jordan Jacobs FNP-C | Infectious Disease Nurse Practitioner


University Health Services

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

615 McCallie Avenue

Maclellan Gymnasium, Room 205

Chattanooga TN 37403-2598

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P: (423) 425-2266 | F: (423) 425-2305