Sent on behalf of Provost Jerold Hale

Earlier this semester I charged an ad hoc committee to review our current academic calendar structure. Given the current landscape of higher education, the total organizational health of our employees and the students we educate, and our relationships with community stakeholders, the committee compiled a list of modifications we might consider.

You would recognize many of those possible modifications from the anonymous survey that the committee distributed to all students and to all employees. Your response demonstrated how important the academic calendar is for students, staff, and faculty with over 500 employees and more than 1100 students completing the survey.

In addition to results from the survey, the committee is discussing possibilities with a variety of stakeholder groups across the university, including the Academic Council, Council of Academic Department Heads, Employee Relations Committee, Exempt Staff Council, Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, Student Government Association, and others. The committee has relayed to me how these discussions enrich their understanding of the effects of any changes we may make.

Based on the input received, by the end of this semester the committee will present recommendations, including model calendars, to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). Any decisions made by ELT will be clearly communicated to campus. If changes are adopted, I will again engage the committee to ensure we address questions or concerns and provide resources to support those changes. 

If modifications are approved, we would have over a year to prepare as a campus. I expect that January 2025 is the soonest any changes could be implemented.  I would like to express my appreciation to the members of the campus community who took part in the survey and/or who provided input to the committee during one of their many meetings with campus groups. 

Thank you very much,




Jerold L. Hale

Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

University of Tennessee Chattanooga

Dept 5555, 102 Founders Hall

615 McCallie Avenue

Chattanooga, TN 37403-2598