Sent on behalf of Chancellor Angle:

UTC Faculty and Staff,

The pace of technological innovation has reached unprecedented levels.  As individuals, organizations, and a society, we find ourselves standing at a crossroads where the choice to embrace or resist these technological advancements carries profound implications.  Businesses will adopt tools that help them be more competitive and efficient and our students will be part of the workforce that makes this a reality.

Technology advances and AI have already impacted the research agenda of our faculty, a trend that will continue.  In addition, these advances will change how teach and do business as a university.  We need you - UTC faculty and staff  - to inform how we position ourselves at the forefront of these changes.

We invite you to attend these upcoming forums on Artificial Intelligence, to help us identify opportunities and challenges which UTC is uniquely equipped to address.  Bring your ideas to advance our research portfolio, enhance preparation of our students, or improve our own work as an institution, while always remaining true to our mission to serve the people of Tennessee.  Your engagement will guide the investments UTC is positioned to make.

Please join us for either one of the sessions below:

AI Open Forum - Sept 19th, 11am - 12 PM, University Center, Signal Mountain Room
AI Open Forum - Sept 29th, 11am - 12 PM, Zoom Meeting,

The Walker Center for Teaching and Learning continues to provide valuable information around this subject matter.  Scheduling and registration can be found on their website.
Walker Center for Teaching and Learning | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (<>

Thank you.
[A close-up of a signature  Description automatically generated]
Steve Angle

Teresa F. McKinney, CPS
Assistant to the Chancellor
Office of the Chancellor
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | 615 McCallie Avenue | Dept. 5605
Chattanooga, TN  37403-2598
Office Location:  101 Founders Hall
tel: (423) 425-4141     fax: (423) 756-5559
