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June 1999, Week 3


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"Paul H. Christidis" <[log in to unmask]>
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Thu, 17 Jun 1999 13:14:00 -0700
TEXT/PLAIN (2957 bytes) , listfx.txt (7 kB)

Arthur Frank writes:
> Is there any way to use LISTFILE to display files within a specified date
> range?  Is this functionality available with MPE i/X 6.0?  (We're
> currently on 5.5 pp6).
> Does anyone have a command file or UDC that does this sort of thing?
> No MPEX suggestions, please -- just plain, vanilla MPE.

And Mark Bixby replied with:
> I wrote a plain vanilla MPE command file that supports full FINFO()
> boolean expression selection criteria.  From the top of the file:

<snipped rest of Mark post>

About 3 years ago I wrote a 'listfx' command file, attached below, that would
produce a 'listf' style output of a fileset showing the Create, Modify and
Access dates of each file.  Just recently I enhanced it to include selection
criteria using the FINFO() function.

The command file is similar to Mark's.  The main differences are:
 It contains a number of 'predefined' selection parameters.
 The date parameters can be specified relative to today's date.
 Any of the 'other' finfo parameters can also be used.
 A user can very easily 'customize it' for their own site.

From the command file:
parm z=@
anyparm filter = true
#   ...
#   ...  Author:   Paul H. Christidis  [log in to unmask]
#   ...  Version : B.00.00(07/14/1999) Original Date: 09/08/96
#   ...
#   ...  Command file that produces an 'extended' 'listf' output of a
#   ...  fileset.  It includes the file name, owner, file code, record
#   ...  count, creation date, mod date, access date, and sector count,
#   ...  all on a single line per file.  It can also 'select' using a
#   ...  number of, preset or user selectable, file attributes.
#   ...
# Usage: LISTFX [fileset] [select_expression]
# Where:
#  fileset = a :LISTFILE style fileset (If using the (fset,fset,..)
#           format then it MUST be included in quotes).
#  select_expression = an expression comprised of coded FINFO function
#           calls. A number of 'predefined' finfo parms are included along
#           with the capability of specifying any of the additional finfo
#           parameters that one has memorized.
#    The 'predefined' items/constants are:
#         $fcode   - The sting mnemonic for the file's file code.
#         $icode   - The integer value for the file's file code.
#         $eof     - The number of records in the file.
#         $recsize - File's record size in 'positive' bytes.
#         $credate - File's creation date.
#         $moddate - File's last modification date.
#         $accdate - File's last access date.
#         $sectors - Number of sectors allocated to file.
#         $today   - The current day in 'yyyymmdd' format.
#         $finfo(  - To invoke any other 'finfo' item.
# Examples:
#  :listfx @,$fcode = 'prog' OR $icode = 1030
#  :listfx @,($fcode = 'prog' OR $icode = 1030) AND $accdate<>$today
#  :listfx ./[B-W]@ $eof < 1000 AND $credate < $today-(30*18)
#  :listfx "(./[B-W]@,/SYS/PUB/@)" $eof < 1000 AND $finfo("limit") > 25000

Paul H. Christidis

parm z=@ anyparm filter = true # ... # ... LISTFX.UTIL.SYS # ... Author: Paul H. Christidis [log in to unmask] # ... Version : B.00.00(07/14/1999) Original Date: 09/08/96 # ... # ... Command file that produces an 'extended' 'listf' output of a # ... fileset. It includes the file name, owner, file code, record # ... count, creation date, mod date, access date, and sector count, # ... all on a single line per file. It can also 'select' using a # ... number of, preset or user selectable, file attributes. # ... # Usage: LISTFX [fileset] [select_expression] # # Where: # fileset = a :LISTFILE style fileset (If using the (fset,fset,..) # format then it MUST be included in quotes). # # select_expression = an expression comprised of coded FINFO function # calls. A number of 'predefined' finfo parms are included along # with the capability of specifying any of the additional finfo # parameters that one has memorized. # # The 'predefined' items/constants are: # $fcode - The sting mnemonic for the file's file code. # $icode - The integer value for the file's file code. # $eof - The number of records in the file. # $recsize - File's record size in 'positive' bytes. # $credate - File's creation date. # $moddate - File's last modification date. # $accdate - File's last access date. # $sectors - Number of sectors allocated to file. # $today - The current day in 'yyyymmdd' format. # $finfo( - To invoke any other 'finfo' item. # # Examples: # :listfx @,$fcode = 'prog' OR $icode = 1030 # # :listfx @,($fcode = 'prog' OR $icode = 1030) AND $accdate<>$today # # :listfx ./[B-W]@ $eof < 1000 AND $credate < $today-(30*18) # # :listfx "(./[B-W]@,/SYS/PUB/@)" $eof < 1000 AND $finfo("limit") > 25000 # setjcw insidempex=0 setvar mpexfinfoany 1 if "!z" <> "~" then   if BOUND(oldmsgfence) then     setvar hpmsgfence oldmsgfence   endif   setvar oldmsgfence hpmsgfence   setvar hpmsgfence 2 # ** Build temp file, set various variables and then ** # ** perform a listfile fset,6 to a temporary file. **   echo   purge listfilx,temp > $null   file listfilx;rec=-256,,v,ascii;disc=300000;nocctl;temp   setvar _lf_tfiles 0   setvar _lfpage 60   setvar _lftoday ![RHT(hpdatef,4)+RHT("0!hpmonth",2)+RHT("0!hpdate",2)]   setjcw cierror = 0   if insidempex = 0 then     setvar _lfrepl 'REPL'     continue     listfile !z,6 >*listfilx   else     setvar _lfrepl 'STRCHANGE'     continue     :listfile !z,6 >*listfilx   endif   if cierror = 0 then     setvar _lfch "."     if POS("/","!z") <> 0 then       setvar _lfch "/"     endif     setvar _lf_loop,finfo('*listfilx','eof')     file listfilx=listfilx,oldtemp;DEL # # Pass expression through file to preserve quotes (") or ('), # replace tokens, validate and proceed to process file list. #     echo !filter >lsfxtfil     input _lfselect <lsfxtfil     purge lsfxtfil,temp > $null     setvar _lfselect UPS(_lfselect)     setvar _lfselect &       !_lfrepl(_lfselect,"$TODAY" ,'_lftoday')     setvar _lfselect &       !_lfrepl(_lfselect,"$FCODE" ,'finfo(_lflnam,"fmtfcode")')     setvar _lfselect &       !_lfrepl(_lfselect,"$ICODE" ,'finfo(_lflnam,"intfcode")')     setvar _lfselect &       !_lfrepl(_lfselect,"$EOF" ,'finfo(_lflnam,"eof")')     setvar _lfselect &       !_lfrepl(_lfselect,"$RECSIZE",'- finfo(_lflnam,"recsize")')     setvar _lfselect &       !_lfrepl(_lfselect,"$CREDATE",'finfo(_lflnam,"intcreated")')     setvar _lfselect &       !_lfrepl(_lfselect,"$MODDATE",'finfo(_lflnam,"intmoddate")')     setvar _lfselect &       !_lfrepl(_lfselect,"$ACCDATE",'finfo(_lflnam,"intaccessed")')     setvar _lfselect &       !_lfrepl(_lfselect,"$SECTORS",'finfo(_lflnam,"sectors")')     setvar _lfselect &       !_lfrepl(_lfselect,"$FINFO(" ,'finfo(_lflnam,')     setvar _lflnam '*listfilx'     setjcw cierror = 0     continue     setvar _lft !_lfselect     if cierror = 0 then       xeq !hpfile ~ < *listfilx     else       echo ****       echo Invalid selection expression/Bad $token(s) specified       echo ****     endif   endif   if _lf_tfiles = 0 then     echo +-+-+ No files selected in fileset '!z' +-+-+   endif # # ******************* clean up ********************* #   setvar hpmsgfence oldmsgfence   if BOUND(traceon) then     showvar _lf@   else     deletevar mpexfinfoany, oldmsgfence, _lf@   endif   reset listfilx   return # +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ # + Section that parses the listfx file # +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ else  echo ![chr(27)+"&a0c-1R"+chr(27)+"J"+chr(27)+"&a0c-1R"]  setvar _lf_hdgroup , ' '  setvar _lf_hdacct , ' '  setvar _lftsect,0  setvar _lf_lcount,_lfpage  setvar _lf_pcount,0  setvar _lf_ffeed chr(12) # ********************* loop *****************************  while SETVAR(_lf_loop, _lf_loop - 1) >= 0 # *** Get fcode, group, account, file name and fcreator ***   input _lf_record   setvar _lflnam,LTRIM(RTRIM(_lf_record))   if !_lfselect then    setvar _lf_tfiles _lf_tfiles + 1    setvar _lfcode ,LFT((finfo(_lflnam,'fmtfcode') + ' ' ),5)    setvar _lfgrp ,LFT((finfo(_lflnam,'group') + ' '),8)    setvar _lfacct ,LFT((finfo(_lflnam,'account') + ' '),8)    setvar _lffname &       ,RTRIM(_lflnam - RTRIM("!_lfch!_lfacct") - RTRIM("!_lfch!_lfgrp")-"/")    if LEN(_lffname) <= 8 then      setvar _lfdname,LFT((_lffname + ' '),8)      setvar _lf_incr,1    else      setvar _lf_incr,2      setvar _lfdname '^ ^^^ ^ '    endif    setvar _lfowner,finfo(_lflnam,'owner')    setvar _lfowner,LFT(STR(_lfowner,1,POS('.',_lfowner)-1) + ' ',8) # ** Get record & sector counts, accumulate total sectors **    setvar _lfRecs,RHT(' ' + "![finfo(_lflnam,'eof')]",8)    setvar _lfsect,RHT(' ' + "![finfo(_lflnam,'sectors')]",8)    setvar _lftsect, _lftsect + !_lfsect    setvar _lfaccs " "    if finfo(_lflnam,61) <> 0 then      setvar _lfaccs "*"    endif # ******** Creation, Modification and Access dates *******    setvar _lfcdt,RHT(finfo(_lflnam,"created"), 12)    setvar _lfcdt,LFT(_lfcdt,1)+DWNS(STR(_lfcdt,2,5))+'/'+RHT(_lfcdt,2)    setvar _lfmdt,RHT(finfo(_lflnam,"modified"),12) &                 +", "+finfo(_lflnam,"fmtmodtime")    setvar _lfmdt,LFT(_lfmdt,1)+DWNS(STR(_lfmdt,2,5))+'/'+STR(_lfmdt,11,2) &                 +STR(_lfmdt,14,6) +DWNS(RHT(_lfmdt,2))    setvar _lfadt,RHT(finfo(_lflnam,"accessed"),12)    setvar _lfadt,LFT(_lfadt,1)+DWNS(STR(_lfadt,2,5))+'/'+RHT(_lfadt,2) # ************* echo heading and file info *************    if _lf_lcount = _lfpage OR _lf_hdgroup <> _lfgrp &                 OR _lf_hdacct <> _lfacct then      setvar _lf_pcount _lf_pcount + 1      setvar _lf_hdgroup '!_lfgrp'      setvar _lf_hdacct '!_lfacct'      setvar _lf_lcount, 0      echo ![_lf_ffeed]Account = !_lf_hdacct Group = & !_lf_hdgroup !hpdatef, !hptimef Page: !_lf_pcount      echo      echo Filename Owner Code Records Sectors Cre-Date & Mod-Date & time Acc-Date      echo -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- --------- & ----------------- ---------    endif    setvar _lf_lcount _lf_lcount + _lf_incr    if _lf_incr = 2 then      echo !_lffname    endif    echo !_lfdname!_lfaccs!_lfowner !_lfcode !_lfRecs !_lfsect !_lfcdt & !_lfmdt !_lfadt   endif  endwhile # *** END LOOP: display sector total if more than one file ***  if _lf_tfiles > 1 then    setvar _lfsect, '!_lftsect'    setvar _lfsect,RHT(' ' + '!_lfsect',9)    echo --------    echo Total Sectors: !_lfsect (!_lf_tfiles) Files  endif  echo endif # return