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June 1999, Week 1


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 4 Jun 1999 09:35:52 -0400625_- I was always told that MCSE stands for Must Consult Someone with Experience

Steve Daniels
MIS Manager
Park Farms, Inc.
[log in to unmask]

Joe Geiser wrote in message ...
>Oh brother,
>> May be MCSE(T)...
>Here we go with the letters after people's names...
>Just remember what BS, MS and PhD *really* mean...
>Bull..., More ...., and Piled Higher and Deeper. The same holds true for
>MCSE, CNE and all the others - I just haven't thought of good meanings for
>them yet.
>Joe44_4Jun199909:35:[log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Wed, 2 Jun 1999 22:50:58 -0400
Telnet (39 lines)
Hello Friends @ 3000-l,

Re: Telnet performance

------------------------------------------------------Paul Christensen writes--
I have a client on 5.5 patch 4, running some hand held RF terminals that connect
to the 3000 using Telnet.   He thinks that the performance of the machine has
gone down more than the number of users would seem to justify. Is there anything
about Telnet that would lead to poor performance?
------------------------------------------------------Paul Christensen writes--

Telnet performance is pretty good.  I think you can ask anyone out here, the
folks at CSY did a tremendous job with Telnet.  The feed back from the HP 3000
customers I have received is, Telnet is as good or close to the performance of
NS-VT. Telnet as a standard is poor performing on the network in the area of
it's single character transmission and echo on input to the host, but within the
3000 NS-TRANSPORT great effort has been made in this area of the code to
optimize Telnet input and character echo.

Now to the concern about Telnet & "hand held RF terminals". I have heard (War
Story) of a hardware device "concentrator" which is connected to the LAN and
receives input from multiple bar code readers.  When a "record" of data is
received, the concentrator Telnet's to the 3000, logon, run application, write
one "record" of data, exit application, logoff - 32K times in a 24 hour period
(that comes to 1333 logons per hour or 22 logons per minute :~).

I would check into the logon frequency for Telnet into this system.  It may also
be necessary to perform a performance analysis of the load on this system and
evaluate the load with/without the active Telnet connections.

I hope this helps.


James Hofmeister
Hewlett Packard
Worldwide Technology Network Expert Center
P.S. My Ideals are my own, not necessarily my employers.