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February 1999, Week 4


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Mark Lomas <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mark Lomas <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 18:45:12 -0000
text/plain (1254 lines)
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting pissed off with people
cross-posting irrelevant babble to what are generally practical ng's. The
only link I can see with misc.rural is the amount of bullshit in the

Min_Thumps wrote in message <[log in to unmask]>...
>By popular request...
>                      'Lord of the Sabbath'
>       The "Seventy Weeks" prophecy found at Daniel 9:24-27
>       is proven historically accurate-to-the-day 483 years
>       after the date that the priestly scribe Ezra had gone
>       forth with Artaxerxes' imperial edict to restore and
>       build, which proves Gabriel's prophecy--and therefore
>       the Book of Daniel--is irrefutably genuine, and which
>       also proves that *Jesus the Nazarene* is the One and
>       Only Messiah of the Old Covenant Scriptures(TaNaKh).
>       All detractors and proponents alike may now consider
>       themselves hereby properly edified, knowing now with
>       certainty that Jesus the Christ is your Lord and King.
>       Readers are advised to stop right here, dust off your
>       Bible and read every "red letter" command of our King.
>       The FACT that The King of kings Jesus Christ did quote
>       Daniel as "the prophet"[ref. Mat 24:15; Mark 13:14] is
>       the Supreme Authority endorsing Daniel's autograph as
>       genuine, thus the balance of this article is provided
>       merely as a FREE public service, as a matter of record.
>       Please copy, quote and distribute this article freely.
>       Also, enjoy edifying those secular "skeptic" types who
>       casually laud their science as "debunking" historicity
>       of the Hebrew Canon's Old and New Covenant Scriptures,
>       when in fact all extant evidence always favors and oft
>       proves the Scriptures historical, since they are true.
>       Such views may seem "extreme" to the uninitiated, i.e.,
>       to those not yet (re)born of the Holy Spirit, but the
>       evidence of Scriptural historicity is incontrovertible:
>       EVERY golden word of Lord King Jesus Christ is THE LAW.
>       And while the secular crowd will engage in trite cavil
>       (like they always do)in vain attempts to discredit the
>       Bible and its message, the gospel of Christ crucified,
>       such inevitably has the very reverse effect of drawing
>       much-appreciated scrutiny to these ancient Scriptures,
>       since in every single case the evidence weighs heavily
>       in the gravity of its merit, with the Scriptures fully
>       intact, and humiliated skeptics running home to mamma!
>       Stay tuned for accompanying attachments and the latest
>       updates which I'll post periodically to the newsgroups
>       for each reader's convenience and continued edification.
>       Oh yes, and if you'd like a name for future reference,
>       do feel free to quote me as "Ma'aminei YHSH ha-Notsri",
>       meaning I AM among those who confess Jesus the Nazarene
>       is the Christ: Son of the Living God. Or just quote me
>       as "anonymous author" if you prefer. God is my Judge.
>   -------------------------------------------------------------
>         Before proceeding, please note the following:
>    -All planetary positions have been recalculated using the
>     high-precision(untruncated) VSOP87 theory of Bretagnon
>     and Francou, with all lunar positions recalculated using
>     revised(untruncated) ELP-2000/82 lunar theory of Chapront-
>     Touzé and Chapront. Dynamical time, ecliptic obliquity,
>     nutation, precession and aberration calculations made
>     using high-precision algorithms and coefficient tables
>     to significant figures indicated, yielding an accuracy
>     for geocentric positions within +/- several arcseconds.
>    -Location data preset to Jerusalem 31:46:48 N x 35:13:12 E
>     for all astronomical calculations presented hereinbelow,
>     with local times in Jerusalem Standard Time(GMT +2:00).
>     Be certain to remember that each day in the Hebrew/Jewish
>     calendar begins at sundown the day *before*, and ends at
>     sundown that same day; e.g., the Julian calendar date of
>     Thursday, September 19, 457 BC is counted as the Hebrew
>     calendar date of 1 Tishri 3305, but the Hebrew calendar
>     reckons the Julian Thursday as beginning at sundown the
>     previous day, or Wednesday evening of the Julian calendar.
>     This Old Covenant "sundown-to-sundown" application of the
>     Scriptures is found starting in the Torah[Law of Moses],
>     at the Book of Genesis ch 1 vs 5: "And God called the
>     light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the
>     evening and the morning were the first day."  With the
>     evening counted from sundown to sunrise, and the morning
>     counted from sunrise to sunset, the Hebrew calendar is
>     always (-/+) six hours *ahead* of the Julian calendar in
>     terms of what day of the week it is, a fact which proves
>     helpful in identifying ancient lunisolar calendar dates,
>     which lunisolar calendar dates were established based on
>     *strictly-observed* ancient sacred Torah calendar rules.
>     By contrast with the ancient Mayan calendar, which dates
>     to at least 355 BC and is the most accurate calendar in
>     existence---predicting a near-perfect conjunction of our
>     winter solstice Sun with the galactic & ecliptic plane's
>     intercept point[Mayan Sacred Tree]at the end of the Mayan
>     Long Count, which is the Mayan calendar date or
>     December 21, 2012, which cycle started with the "birth of
>     Venus" August 13, 3114 BC, likewise counted as
>     over FIVE THOUSAND years earlier!---the lunisolar calendar
>     of Moses was rather crude, but was effective for counting
>     the days, months and years of the lunisolar cycle, and for
>     observing Old Covenant Holy Days so utterly crucial to the
>     ancient Hebrew existence prior to our Lord's crucifixion:
>            "And God said, Let there be lights in the
>            firmament of the heaven to divide the day
>            from the night; and let them be for signs,
>            and for seasons, and for days, and years."
>                        --Gen 1:14 KJV
>     And, while it isn't likely that Moses actually invented the
>     Hebrew lunisolar calendar--as surely it is far older than
>     merely 3400 years,--we do know from reading the Scriptures
>     that Moses had introduced it and used it in his lifetime,
>     and it has been in use continually by the Jewish people,
>     and probably dates to long-forgotten antediluvian times.
>                             * * *
>                    'Lord of the Sabbath'
>* The "going forth of the commandment[Artaxerxes I/Longimanus]
>  to restore and to build Jerusalem..."[ref. Dan 9:25]:
>      Julian Day: 1554766
> Julian calendar: Thursday, September 19, 457 BC
> Jewish calendar: 1 Tishri 3305
>        New Moon: Sep 19, 457 BC @ 12:29:51 AM JST
>     Julian date: 1554765.43740; Lunation: -29415
> Moon's distance: 382409k(60.0 ER); Subtends: 0.5208°
> Right ascension: 11:29:55.68; Declination: 08:34:36
>         Azimuth: -161.396; Altitude: -47.914
>          Rising: 5:33:02 AM JST; JD 1554765.64794
>         Setting: 6:24:44 PM JST; JD 1554766.18384
>           Notes: ref. Ezra 7:9 "...1st day of the 1st month"
>                  7:6-26; ibid, levitical rule restored. This
>                  was the decree which established the people,
>                  government, laws(including taxation), and:
>                  "...set up the walls thereof, and joined
>                  the foundations"[ref. Ezra 4:12], and Ezra
>                  had restored temple service in Jerusalem.
>                  The Jubilee Year[ref. 'eleutherian liberty']
>                  was observed every 50th year following the
>                  7th Sabbatic Year[Lev 25:11], making two
>                  Sabbatic Years consecutive, hence Gabriel's
>                  distinction of "seven sevens" and "sixty-
>                  two sevens" is readily understood, joined
>                  seamlessly together at the *next* Jubilee
>                  Year! Jubilee was a VERY special time, a
>                  time for rest *from* selfish pursuits, but
>                  instead, for forgiveness and emancipation,
>                  for sharing and reconciliation, and above
>                  all, a time for ATONEMENT OF SIN[ref. Lev
>                  16:29-34;23:27-32;25:8-9;ibid]!!! Gabriel
>                  was reminding each one of us of *what* is
>                  acceptable to God, with atonement of sin
>                  exemplifying YHWH's New Covenant[ref. Jer
>                  31:31-34] preaching "the Acceptable Year
>                  of the LORD"[ref. Luke 4:14-22;Isa 61:1-2],
>                  for there is none other scripturally-valid
>                  explanation for how and why Gabriel's first
>                  "seven weeks" were joined contiguously(no
>                  interruption) to the next sixty-two weeks.
>                  Also, 1 Tishri could not fall on Sun, Wed
>                  or Fri, thus was occasionally delayed for
>                  one day, or at most, delayed for two days,
>                  but was not delayed in 3305/457 BC, also a
>                  *Jubilee Year* by Josephus' chronology. The
>                  Achaemenid king Artaxerxes[Artakhshathra]
>                  began his first civil year 1 Tishri 3298 by
>                  the *Hebrew* calendar, which was Thu Sept 7,
>                  464 BC, since his first year of reign didn't
>                  start until 1 Tishri(civil new year) by the
>                  Hebrew calendar reckoning, since Artaxerxes
>                  was "king" from mid-August of 465 BC, but his
>                  observed ascension lasted about eight months,
>                  until 1 Nisanu, near the vernal equinox of the
>                  "new year" by the *Babylonian* civil calendar.
>                  It is revealing in Ezra 7:8 where he states:
>                  "And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month,
>                  which was in the seventh year of the king",
>                  not the fifth month *of* the king's seventh
>                  year, but was the eleventh month from Nisanu.
>                  It is clear that the king's first year of
>                  reign didn't begin until 1 Nisan(u) 3297 in
>                  Ezra's consideration, since those previous
>                  8 months of the king's "ascension" failed to
>                  fulfil one Hebrew calendar year, being only
>                  half the calendar year, thus was not included
>                  in Ezra's estimation for the king's *seventh*
>                  [Hebrew]year. In other words, only the second-
>                  half of Artaxerxes' seventh year fell in the
>                  Hebrew civil year 3305, beginning in the fall
>                  of 457 BC on 1 Tishri, or Thu, Sep 19, 457 BC.
>                  Not to belabor this point ad nauseum, but it
>                  is important that the reader should understand
>                  how Artaxerxes' seventh year was determined
>                  with certainty by Ezra, and according to the
>                  *Hebrew Calendar*, leaving Assyriologists et
>                  al to debate "finer points" of such matters.
>                  But, had Ezra counted the king's "seventh year"
>                  as 1 Tishri 3304, then that day was Saturday,
>                  September 2, 458 BC, Julian Day 1554383(molad
>                  was Sep 1 @ 2:16:55 AM JST[JD 1554381.51175]).
>                  I'll refer back to these dates later in this
>                  article confirming 1 Tishri 3305[457 BC] as
>                  Ezra's assessment for Artaxerxes' 7th year.
>* Jesus born in Bethlehem w/"his star[rising]in the east":
>      Julian Day: 1720551
> Julian calendar: Monday, August 12, 3 BC
> Jewish calendar: 1 Elul 3758(1 Tishri was Tue, Sept 10)
>         Sunrise: 4:58:37 AM JST; JD 1720550.62404
>          Sunset: 6:24:06 PM JST; JD 1720551.18340
>        New Moon: Aug 11, 3 BC @ 1:27:52 AM JST;
>     Julian date: 1720549.47769; Lunation: -23801
> Moon's distance: 396824k(62.2 ER); Subtends: 0.5019°
> Right ascension: 09:10:16.17; Declination: 16:29:42
>         Azimuth: 21:07:02; Altitude: -39:38:16
>          Rising: 5:10:35 AM JST; JD 1720549.63235
>         Setting: 6:43:37 PM JST; JD 1720550.19696
>           Notes: This Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Leo was
>                  4.2 arcminutes in separation. The wise men
>                  (Magi) saw *his* star [at its]rising, thus
>                  their own witness to this conjunction was
>                  judicially construed as Messiah's actual
>                  date and approximate time of birth. See
>                  attachment for a detailed analysis of this
>                  dating for Jesus' date of birth, including
>                  all planetary positions for 4 AM JST.
>* Wise men(Magi) visit Herod(morning)/10-month old Jesus(sunset):
>      Julian Day: 1720860
> Julian calendar: Tuesday, June 17, 2 BC
> Jewish calendar: 15/16 Tammuz 3759
>        New Moon: Jun 2, 2 BC @ 5:06:01 PM JST
>     Julian date: 1720845.12918; Lunation: -23791
> Moon's distance: 365584k(57.3 ER); Subtends: 0.5448°
> Right ascension: 04:27:36.87; Declination: 25:51:18
>         Azimuth: 109.326; Altitude: 18.806
>          Rising: 3:55:25 AM JST; JD 1720844.58015
>         Setting: 6:46:25 PM JST; JD 1720845.19890
>           Notes: Near-perfect Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Leo,
>                  a mere 6 arcseconds from concentricity. When
>                  Venus is sufficiently elongated from the Sun,
>                  and the sky is crystal-clear, Venus can barely
>                  be seen with the naked eye in broad daylight.
>                  This *brilliant* conjunction was significantly
>                  brighter than Venus alone, thus was certainly
>                  visible in broad daylight in a clear sky, and
>                  we know that the sky was clear by the Magi's
>                  own testimony.  Also, Herod "the Great" died
>                  after the "blood red" full lunar eclipse of
>                  Sat, January 10, 1 BC, not 4 BC, which was
>                  the commonly supposed year for Herod's death
>                  based on the historian Josephus' writings.
>                  However, scientific and historical evidences
>                  have refuted this inaccurate reckoning. See
>                  attachment for detailed analysis of Herod's
>                  "blood red" eclipse and related historical
>                  evidences proving 1 BC to be the actual year
>                  of Herod's death and burial before Passover.
>* Caesar Augustus died:
>      Julian Day: 1726402
> Julian calendar: Sunday, August 19, 14 AD
> Jewish calendar: 5 Elul 3774
>           Notes: Tiberius was already supreme military governor
>                  of the Roman Empire proper and its provinces
>                  since 12 AD, and was co-princeps(effectively,
>                  co-Caesar) with Caesar Augustus by 13 AD, but
>                  Sept 17, 14 AD is the commonly referenced date
>                  of profane history, since this was Tiberius'
>                  ceremonial inaugural after Augustus' death,
>                  bestowing on him the sole title of Imperator.
>                  See Jesus' baptism notes below for a concise
>                  commentary on Tiberius Caesar's "15th" year.
>* Tiberius Caesar ceremonially inaugurated Imperator:
>      Julian Day: 1726431
> Julian calendar: Monday, September 17, 14 AD
> Jewish calendar: 5 Tishri 3775
>        New Moon: Sep 13, l4 AD @ 5:38:10 AM JST
>     Julian date: 1726426.65150; Lunation: -23602
> Moon's distance: 398527k(62.5 ER); Subtends: 0.4997°
> Right ascension: 11:15:26.60; Declination: 06:23:06
>         Azimuth: -95.158; Altitude: 3.807
>          Rising: 5:21:25 AM JST; JD 1726426.63987
>         Setting: 6:03:01 PM JST; JD 1726427.16876
>           Notes: Compare Jesus' baptism date[Luke 3:1,23].
>                  This inauguration date is historically
>                  irreconcilable with Luke's account as given
>                  in Luke 3:1, but is thirteen years + 1 day
>                  before Jesus' baptism date of Sep 18, 27 AD
>                  See baptism notes below for further details.
>* New Moon[Heb. Molad] coincident with Vernal Equinox:
>      Julian Day: 1729173
> Julian calendar: Saturday, March 21, 22 AD
> Jewish calendar: 29 Adar 3782
>         Sunrise: 5:47:43 AM JST; JD 1729172.65814
>          Sunset: 5:47:01 PM JST; JD 1729173.15765
>        New Moon: Mar 21, 22 AD @ 4:38:04 AM JST
>     Julian date: 1729172.60977; Lunation: -23509
> Moon's distance: 390405k(61.2 ER); Subtends: 0.5101°
> Right ascension: 23:45:19.84; Declination: 01:57:30
>         Azimuth: -99.950; Altitude: -12.000
>     Moon rising: 5:38:09 AM JST; JD 1729172.65149
>         Setting: 6:13:48 PM JST; JD 1729173.17625
>           Notes: The present-day 19-year lunisolar cycle of the
>                  Jewish calendar adds the thirteenth intercalary,
>                  or leap month, V'Adar(AdarII) in the years 3, 6,
>                  8, 11, 14, 17 and 19, making those 13-month years
>                  into "leap years" to maintain very close--but not
>                  perfect--synchronicity with the lunisolar cycle.
>                  Twelve lunar[synodic] months is about eleven days
>                  shorter than a solar year, hence the "luni-solar"
>                  calendar requires a leap year added every two to
>                  three years to make up for this annual eleven-day
>                  deficit. But these systematically inserted leap
>                  years end up with an extra two hours[2:06:28.022]
>                  left over every 19 solar years, not a significant
>                  error, but by the mid-second century AD this had
>                  accumulated for more than fifteen hundred years
>                  since the days of Moses, thus presented a serious
>                  dilemma for the lunisolar calendar. In 161 AD the
>                  Jewish Patriarch Simon III imposed a postponement
>                  of the intercalated year from the seventh to the
>                  eighth year, to prevent Pentecost from falling on
>                  Monday, June 23, 161 AD-into the summer solstice!
>                  This was accomplished using an interim transition
>                  cycle of leap years 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 and 19.
>                  As a result, all leap years AFTER this adjustment
>                  were counted in the years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17 and
>                  19, but all leap years PRIOR to Simon's calendar
>                  adjustment of 161 AD were counted in the years 2,
>                  5, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 18, thusly these leap-months
>                  were inserted in those designated years after the
>                  twelfth month of Adar, according to the lunisolar
>                  Torah calendar. And while the religious months of
>                  the calendar were counted as in Torah, beginning
>                  in the spring on 1 Nisan, civil calendar months
>                  of the very same calendar were counted "fall-to-
>                  fall", so the first month in the civil year was
>                  the seventh month of the religious calendar! The
>                  rules for observing Holy Days enjoyed priority
>                  over most other decisions of the elders as to
>                  which days would begin any lunisolar calendar's
>                  months, which calendars were calculated thusly:
>                  Based on the repeating 19-year lunisolar cycle,
>                  in near-synchronicity with each month's molad
>                  the months were numbered 1-12, or 1-13 in leap
>                  years. The first month Abib / 'hodesh ha-aviv'
>                  only roughly coincided(i.e. +/- 50 days) with
>                  the barley being "in the ear" of old tradition,
>                  but the first month of the year according to the
>                  agricultural/liturgical 'shana' observance was
>                  1 Ethanim(Tishri), Ezra's "1st day...1st month."
>                  The Babylonian Kraeling 6 and Elephantine papyri
>                  proved that the spring-to-spring Sumero-Babylonian
>                  civil calendar was *NOT* the same lunisolar civil
>                  calendar observed by captive Jews during the 70-
>                  years exile in Babylon(contrary to popular myth).
>                  The Jewish civil calendar was explicitly based on
>                  the fall-to-fall 'shana' reckoning, only names of
>                  selected Hebrew calendar months were adapted to
>                  their Babylonian captors' linguistic conventions.
>                  Not that this mattered much, since both versions
>                  were lunisolar, thus both were dependent on the
>                  same molads and equinoxes for functionality, but
>                  Jewish regnal/civil years always began 1 Tishri,
>                  which is near the FALL equinox, not the spring,
>                  and to this day, 1 Tishri remains the first day
>                  of the first month of the Jewish civil calendar,
>                  and Nisan is still the first month of the Jewish
>                  religious calendar. The main thing to understand
>                  is that Ezra's "first day of the first month" was
>                  Thursday, September 19, 457 BC, and the Jewish
>                  civil calendar always started on 1 Tishri, not
>                  1 Nisan. Also, the molad was--albeit only rarely
>                  --allowed to occur very late in the day for that
>                  month's beginning date, but only in anticipation
>                  of Holy Days which were not conveniently delayed
>                  for whatever mitigating circumstances might have
>                  demanded. Maimonides wrote: "It is thus a Mosaic
>                  tradition from Sinai that in times when there was
>                  a (Palestinian)Synedrium[Sanhedrin], declaration
>                  of New Moon Days was based on visual observation
>                  [confirmed by court calculation], while in times
>                  when no Synedrium existed, this declaration was
>                  based on calculations such as we are using today
>                  and no attention was paid to observation of the
>                  new crescent. Rather, the day established by
>                  calculation might well coincide with the day in
>                  which the new moon became visible, but it might
>                  sometimes be the day before it or the day after
>                  it." "The court followed a tradition transmitted
>                  by the Sages from one generation to another on
>                  the authority of Moses...on the basis of cal-
>                  culation...." [ref. 'Code of Maimonides', Bk3
>                  Tr8, 'Sanctification of the New Moon' 5x2;18x7].
>                  Considering that the ancient calendar month was
>                  reckoned as 29 days, 12 hours and 793 parts, i.e.
>                  29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3-1/3 seconds,
>                  and that month-to-month observations served to
>                  confirm and calibrate these common calculations,
>                  Maimonides' speculation that that these ancient
>                  (common)Hebrews couldn't calculate within a day's
>                  accuracy for *any* molad is not being realistic.
>                  Any months which were begun an entire day before
>                  the calculated molad were started deliberately,
>                  but not for the lack of basic addition skills.
>                  These ancient Torah lunisolar calendar months
>                  are summarized below for your reference:
>                    Month#**  Hebrew Name    Days per Month
>                     1(7)     Abib/Nisan*          30
>                     2(8)      Zif/Iyyar           29
>                     3(9)        Sivan*            30
>                     4(10)       Tammuz            29
>                     5(11)       Ab/Av             30
>                     6(12)        Elul             29
>                     7(1)    Ethanim/Tishri*       30
>                     8(2)     Bul/Cheshvan        29/30
>                     9(3)        Kislev           30/29
>                    10(4)         Tebet            29
>                    11(5)        Shebat            30
>                    12(6)      Adar/AdarI         29/30(leap yr.)
>                    13(")    V'Adar/AdarII        29(intercalary)
>                          *months with holy days;
>                      **civil month #'s in parentheses
>* Jesus' 30th birthday:
>      Julian day: 1731153
> Julian calendar: Friday, August 22, 27 AD
> Jewish calendar: 1 Elul 3787(1 Tishri 3788 was Sat, Sept 20)
>        New Moon: Aug 20, 27 AD @ 3:04:10 PM JST
>     Julian date: 1731151.04456; Lunation: -23442
> Moon's distance: 367010k(57.5 ER); Subtends: 0.5427°
> Right ascension: 09:51:3.82; Declination: 15:55:18
>         Azimuth: 82.672; Altitude: 42.307
>          Rising: 4:37:33 AM JST; JD 1731150.60941
>         Setting: 6:30:38 PM JST; JD 1731151.18794
>           Notes: Jewish calendar birthday; at age 30, Jesus
>                  eligible for priesthood and temple service.
>                  This is why John the Baptist asked of Jesus:
>                  "...I have need to be baptized of thee, and
>                  comest thou to me?"[Mat 3:14]. John did not
>                  yet recognize Jesus as Messiah, but he knew
>                  that his cousin, the astonishing carpenter's
>                  son Jesus, that He was thirty years old, and
>                  John knew this since he himself was thirty.
>                  That John didn't recognize Jesus as Messiah
>                  means that John didn't know about Jesus being
>                  conceived of God's Spirit in Mary, since had
>                  John actually known about this, then surely
>                  he would've known that Jesus was the promised
>                  Messiah of the Scriptures, with His virgin
>                  birth being scripturally *prerequisite* to
>                  His Messiahship, even though "virgin birth"
>                  mythologies had flourished in every culture
>                  throughout the world, every Jew *knew* that
>                  "salvation out of the Jews is"! Thereby we
>                  know that John, understandably, had supposed
>                  Jesus' father was Joseph, as did practically
>                  everyone else. Only a few knew at the time
>                  that Joseph was only lawfully Jesus' father
>                  according to the custom, since Joseph was
>                  the son-in-law of Mary's father, Heli, who
>                  had daughters of his own, but bore no sons
>                  of his own, thus Joseph was fully within his
>                  own legal rights to raise his "son" Jesus as
>                  his own son, since lawfully, Jesus *was* his
>                  own son, just as everyone had supposed. And
>                  under the law, Jesus was heir to the throne
>                  by His legal father and also by His mother,
>                  since under Jewish law, right to kingship
>                  could also pass to Mary's descendants.
>* Jesus baptized into YHWH's Ministry at the river Jordan exactly
>483 Hebrew lunisolar Calendar years to the very day from Ezra's
>"going forth" with Artaxerxes' imperial edict to restore Jerusalem.
>This same date was 4749 days or 13 regnal-tropical years + 1 day
>into the inaugural reign of Tiberius, but 15 years + 12 days[Luke
>3:1] into Tiberius' *governorship* by the Jewish civil calendar,
>which was 15 years + 1 day according to the Julian civil calendar:
>      Julian day: 1731180
> Julian calendar: Thursday, September 18, 27 AD
> Jewish calendar: 1 Tishri 3788(Day of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah)
>        New Moon: Sep 18, 27 AD @ 11:48:42 PM JST
>     Julian date: 1731180.40882; Lunation: -23441
>   Moon distance: 373484k(586 ER); Subtends: 0.5332°
> Right ascension: 11:40:20.13; Declination: 6:55:18
>         Azimuth: -176.088; Altitude: -51.227
>          Rising: 4:32:46 AM JST; JD 1731179.60609
>         Setting: 5:45:00 PM JST; JD 1731180.15625
>           Notes: Daniel's 7+62 sabbatic years fulfilled[Dan 9:25].
>                  The Hebrew Calendar year exceeds a tropical year
>                  by 6 minutes, 39.370 seconds; this amounts to one
>                  extra day per 216.34 tropical years, or 2.23 days
>                  over 483 tropical years. A tropical year is equal
>                  to 365.242199 days, so this baptism date of Jesus
>                  is precisely 483 tropical years + 2.02 days from
>                  Ezra's going forward with Artaxerxes' decree, a
>                  difference of only 2.23 from 2.02 = {-0.21} days,
>                  or just 5 hours shy of 483 Hebrew Calendar years!
>                  Who could ask for more? And who's to say these 5
>                  hours weren't accounted for by differences in the
>                  time of day Ezra left Babylon, and the time that
>                  Jesus entered the Jordan's waters to be baptised?
>                  But if we'd adopted Sept 2, 458 BC as Artaxerxes'
>                  seventh year as referenced before, then that date
>                  was exactly 483 tropical years + 4 hours to what
>                  is a popular but non-historical "alternate" for
>                  Jesus' Baptism date of 1 Tishri 3787, or Monday,
>                  Sep 2, 26 AD; Julian Day 1730799, with its molad
>                  occurring Sat, Aug 31, 26 AD @1:27:11 AM JST; JD
>                  1730796.47721, but which is entirely one civil
>                  calendar year *prior* to the very earliest date
>                  historically-reconcilable with Tiberius' 15th
>                  year, thus is logically eliminated from further
>                  discussion, and 1 Tishri 3788 becomes the ONLY
>                  historical date reconcilable with both Ezra's
>                  account AND that related by Luke, to wit, Luke
>                  3:1 reads "...in year but five and tenth of the
>                  *governorship* of Tiberius Caesar" [*emphasis
>                  added]. In the year 12 AD, Tiberius was made
>                  military governor(commander) over Caesar's vast
>                  armies and provinces by the ailing Augustus, at
>                  which time Augustus had compelled his estranged-
>                  widow Julia to marry Tiberius, thus historically
>                  qualifies as his 1st year of *governorship*, and
>                  by the year 13 AD, Tiberius Claudius Nero was
>                  known to the whole of the Roman empire and its
>                  provinces as supreme governor and co-regent with
>                  Augustus Caesar, since Tiberius was by that time
>                  Proconsular Imperium, wielding full tribunician
>                  power wholly co-extensive with that of Augustus,
>                  making Tiberius co-princeps with Caesar Augustus
>                  by 13 AD. When Augustus died that following year,
>                  Tiberius' sole Consulship was already intact and
>                  was wholly unassailable, with his continuation
>                  as Principate a foregone conclusion, thus his
>                  inauguration as Imperator was but an accolade.
>                  Luke's reckoning for his 15th year is confirmed
>                  in the fact that by 27 AD the weary Tiberius had
>                  retired permanently to seclusion on the island of
>                  Capri, leaving his notorious(traitorous) captain
>                  of the Praetorian Guard, the prefect Sejanus, to
>                  RULE in his place. So, with 27 AD established as
>                  Tiberius' "five and tenth year of governorship",
>                  then the year 12 AD must logically be construed
>                  as commencing Tiberius' first year by the Jewish
>                  civil calendar new year 1 Tishri 3773, which
>                  Julian calendar date was Monday, September 5,
>                  12 AD, or Julian Day 1725689. Thusly, Luke had
>                  counted then-Caesar Tiberius' 15th regnal year
>                  from his provincial rule two years before Caesar
>                  Augustus had died. And Luke's added references to
>                  Pilate, Herod[Antipas], Philip, Lysanias, Annas
>                  and Caiaphas are entirely supportive of 12 AD as
>                  the year Luke had referenced, since in every case
>                  they are historically consistent with 27 AD. Luke
>                  stating that Jesus was "commencing as if of years
>                  thirty" refers to Jesus' entering the priesthood
>                  and temple service in the(His) body of Christ,
>                  doubtless retrospectively, in light of Jesus' own
>                  confession "Before Abraham was, I am"[John 8:58].
>                  That it wasn't Jesus' actual thirtieth birthday,
>                  vs. one synodic month afterwards seems frivolous.
>                  Luke was uncertain how to describe the age of the
>                  eternal Son of God, as surely anyone would find
>                  themselves awestruck in this regard, but Jesus
>                  *was* thirty years in the body, and this was the
>                  day of His commencement into YHWH's Ministry: He
>                  was indeed "commencing as if of years thirty".
>* Vernal(Spring) Equinox of 31 AD
>      Julian day: 1732461
> Julian calendar: Thursday, March 22, 31 AD:
> Jewish calendar: 8 Abib/Nisan 3791
>         Sunrise: 5:46:37 AM JST; JD 1732460.65737
>          Sunset: 5:47:29 PM JST; JD 1732461.15797
>           Notes: Hebrew calendar rules stipulated that Passover
>                  (14 Abib/Nisan) must occur no earlier than two
>                  days before the spring equinox, but also that
>                  Pentecost must occur before summer, and always
>                  on a Monday, on the 7th, 9th, 11th or 13th of
>                  the 3rd month(Sivan), leaving but one possible
>                  crucifixion date in 31 AD. Though the first full
>                  moon after the spring equinox of 31 AD occurred
>                  Monday, March 28th, the calendar correction made
>                  130 years later by Simon III in 161 AD revealed
>                  that the "last supper" Passover was observed the
>                  evening before the SECOND full moon of Wednesday,
>                  April 25th, 31 AD.  The Hebrew calendar year of
>                  Jesus' crucifixion/resurrection was a 385-day
>                  "perfect" leap year[Type 11, 4-7-P*]. In light
>                  of all other evidences examined, this fact proves
>                  beyond any shadow of a doubt that Jesus' "last
>                  supper" Passover took place on Tuesday evening,
>                  April 24, 31 AD between 6 PM and 12 AM Wednesday
>                  morning, very much according to traditional seder
>                  regulations[Heb. haggada], but this Passover was
>                  special indeed[ref. Mat 26:1-30; Mark 14:1-26;
>                  Luke 22:1-39; John 11:55-57]. I've charted the
>                  calendar year 3791(below), dating the historical
>                  "three days and three nights"[ref. Jonah 1:17,
>                  Mat 12:40] that Jesus' tortured body laid wrapped
>                  in a linen shroud, sealed in a nearby, newly-hewn
>                  stone sepulchre of one of our Lord's disciples,
>                  the wealthy intellectual, Joseph of Arimathaea
>                  [ref. Mat 27:57-60]. In the literal translation,
>                  verse 57 says "Of evening but having come to be",
>                  meaning that the High Sabbath of 15 Nisan, the
>                  first day of unfermented cakes[unleavened bread]
>                  was in effect! Remember, *this* was the body of
>                  the LORD of the Sabbath, thus giving Lord Jesus a
>                  proper burial on the High Sabbath was Lawful and
>                  perfectly appropriate, but Joseph et al performed
>                  this *work* in considerable haste for fear of the
>                  Jews(who'd condemned Jesus)[ref John 19:38], that
>                  they would've found Joseph et al *working* on the
>                  sabbath "unacceptable", and would've prohibited
>                  them from continuing and arrested them, too. We
>                  can reasonably conclude that they might've been
>                  crucified as well, had they been caught *working*
>                  on the High Sabbath under *these* circumstances!
>                  And so it was that Jesus' body was buried after
>                  even[6:07:37 PM JST] of 15 Nisan, and after three
>                  days was resurrected, after even[6:09:28 PM JST]
>                  of 18 Nisan[Apr 28, 31 AD], which from even till
>                  even the following day was counted as Sunday, the
>                  *first* day of the Hebrew Calendar week, which
>                  is precisely what the gospel accounts repeatedly
>                  indicate, "the FIRST day", not the seventh[ref.
>                  Mat 28:1; Mark 16:2,9; Luke 24:1; John 20:1,19].
>                  John 20:19 literally translated reads: "Being
>                  therefore of evening to the day that the one[day]
>                  of sabbaths, and of the doors having been locked
>                  where were the disciples through the fear of the
>                  Jews." Here's a prime example of where orthodox
>                  theologians and liberals alike are easily given
>                  to *misconstruing* these ancient texts in favor
>                  of whatever is convenient in lieu of expertise.
>                  John's gospel is "user-friendly" to the gentile
>                  audience as well as the Jew. Quoting Robertson's:
>                   "{When therefore it was evening on that day}
>                   (oushv oun oqiav th hmera ekeinei). Genitive
>                   absolute with oqia (oqiov, late), old word with
>                   wra(hour) understood and here for the time from
>                   six to nine(#6:16) and the locative case of time
>                   with hmera(day). John often uses this note of
>                   time (#1:39; 5:9; 11:53; 14:20; 16:23,26). The
>                   addition of th mia sabbatwn(see #20:1 for this
>                   use of mia like prwth) proves that John is using
>                   Roman time, not Jewish, for here evening follows
>                   day instead of preceding it..."
>                  So this was Sunday evening April 29, 31 AD, which
>                  was after even of *Monday* 19 Nisan by the Hebrew
>                  Calendar. See? Okay, now that we understand this
>                  sequence of events which were so faithfully and
>                  accurately recorded in the four gospel accounts,
>                  the obvious source of widespread confusion and
>                  uncertainty about whether Jesus was resurrected
>                  on the seventh day(Saturday) or on the first day
>                  (Sunday) is settled. The Bible tells us that He
>                  "was risen early the first day of the week"[ref.
>                  Mark 16:9]. The literal translation is likewise
>                  explicit about this "Having stood up but early to
>                  first[day] of sabbath[week]", thus is irrefutable
>                  that Jesus rose from the dead on the *first* day
>                  of the calendar week, which was Saturday evening
>                  by the Julian solar calendar, but this was in the
>                  evening[beginning] of SUNDAY by Jewish reckoning.
>                  Here's the calendar year 3791 for your reference:
>                    -------- HEBREW CALENDAR YEAR 3791 --------
>                                     Tishri 3791
>                    molad: Sat, Sep 16, 30 AD @ 07:53:14 AM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732273.74530)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                                      1
>                              2   3   4   5   6   7   8
>                              9  10  11  12  13  14  15
>                             16  17  18  19  20  21  22
>                             23  24  25  26  27  28  29
>                             30
>                                   Cheshvan 3791
>                    molad: Sun, Oct 15, 30 AD @ 05:29:00 PM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732303.14514)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                  1   2   3   4   5   6
>                              7   8   9  10  11  12  13
>                             14  15  16  17  18  19  20
>                             21  22  23  24  25  26  27
>                             28  29  30
>                                     Kislev 3791
>                    molad: Tue, Nov 14, 30 AD @ 03:10:11 AM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732332.54874)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                          1   2   3   4
>                              5   6   7   8   9  10  11
>                             12  13  14  15  16  17  18
>                             19  20  21  22  23  24  25
>                             26  27  28  29  30
>                                      Tebet 3791
>                    molad: Wed, Dec 13, 30 AD @ 01:23:46 PM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732361.97484)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                                  1   2
>                              3   4   5   6   7   8   9
>                             10  11  12  13  14  15  16
>                             17  18  19  20  21  22  23
>                             24  25  26  27  28  29
>                                     Shebat 3791
>                    molad: Fri, Jan 12, 31 AD @ 12:25:37 AM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732391.43446)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                                      1
>                              2   3   4   5   6   7   8
>                              9  10  11  12  13  14  15
>                             16  17  18  19  20  21  22
>                             23  24  25  26  27  28  29
>                             30
>                                       Adar 3791
>                    molad: Sat, Feb 10, 31 AD @ 12:25:50 PM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732420.93461)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                  1   2   3   4   5   6
>                              7   8   9  10  11  12  13
>                             14  15  16  17  18  19  20
>                             21  22  23  24  25  26  27
>                             28  29  30
>                                     V'Adar 3791
>                    molad: Mon, Mar 12, 31 AD @ 01:32:07 AM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732450.48064)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                          1   2   3   4
>                              5   6   7   8   9  10  11
>                             12  13  14  15  16  17  18
>                             19  20  21  22  23  24  25
>                             26  27  28  29
>                                      Nisan 3791
>                    molad: Tue, Apr 10, 31 AD @ 3:45:14 PM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732480.07308)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                              1   2   3
>                              4   5   6   7   8   9  10
>                             11  12  13  14* 15  16  17
>                             18  19  20  21  22  23  24
>                             25  26  27  28  29  30
>                              *Full Moon: Wed, Apr 25
>                                      Iyyar 3791
>                    molad: Thu, May 10, 31 AD @ 6:51:10 AM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732509.70220)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                                      1
>                              2   3   4   5   6   7   8
>                              9  10  11  12  13  14  15
>                             16  17  18  19  20  21  22
>                             23  24  25  26  27  28  29
>                                      Sivan 3791
>                    molad: Fri, Jun 08 31 AD @ 10:21:59 PM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732539.34860)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                              1   2   3   4   5   6   7
>                              8   9  10  11  12  13  14
>                             15  16  17  18  19  20  21
>                             22  23  24  25  26  27  28
>                             29  30
>                                     Tammuz 3791
>                    molad: Sun, Jul 08, 31 AD @ 01:40:50 PM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732568.98669)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                      1   2   3   4   5
>                              6   7   8   9  10  11  12
>                             13  14  15  16  17  18  19
>                             20  21  22  23  24  25  26
>                             27  28  29
>                                         Av 3791
>                    molad: Tue, Aug 07, 31 AD @ 4:20:41 AM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732598.59770)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                          1   2   3   4
>                              5   6   7   8   9  10  11
>                             12  13  14  15  16  17  18
>                             19  20  21  22  23  24  25
>                             26  27  28  29  30
>                                       Elul 3791
>                    molad: Wed, Sep 05, 31 AD @ 5:59:55 PM JST
>                             (Julian date 1732628.16661)
>                              S   M   T   W   T   F   S
>                                                  1   2
>                              3   4   5   6   7   8   9
>                             10  11  12  13  14  15  16
>                             17  18  19  20  21  22  23
>                             24  25  26  27  28  29
>  * Palm "Sunday", 1311 days(3 years + 7 months) after Jesus'
>  baptism at the river Jordan, the LORD of the Sabbath rode humbly
>  into Jerusalem[Zec 9:9] in "the midst" of Gabriel's seventieth
>  sabbatic year(this was a leap year, hence 3.5 years + 1 month).
>  If you count from the last day of Jesus' "40 days of temptation"
>  up until the day of His resurrection(discovered Sunday) you get
>  1280 days, or exactly three and one-half solar calendar years:
>      Julian day: 1732491
> Julian calendar: Saturday, April 21, 31 AD
> Jewish calendar: 10 Abib/Nisan 3791
>        New Moon: Apr 10, 31 AD @ 3:45:14 PM JST
>     Julian date: 1732480.07308; Lunation: -23397
>   Moon distance: 394450k(61.8 ER); Subtends: 0.5049°
> Right ascension: 01:07:39.91; Declination: 4:56:12
>         Azimuth: 78.114; Altitude: 27.308
>          Rising: 5:20:20 AM JST; JD 1732479.63912
>         Setting: 5:57:35 PM JST; JD 1732480.16499
>           Notes: Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread was
>                  in practice one "eight-day feast" for which plans
>                  were made weeks, really months, in advance. There
>                  were two separate hagigah sacrifices. First, the
>                  pesah proper[paschal meal] on the eve of 14 Nisan
>                  and second pascha, the afternoon hagigah[festive
>                  offering] sacrifice on the afternoon of 14 Nisan,
>                  before the festivities of 15 Nisan, or first day
>                  of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. About two weeks
>                  before this contiguous eight-day feast, tithes
>                  were separated for the priesthood from the flocks
>                  of sheep. But the paschal lamb, the one "without
>                  blemish, a male of the first year" was selected
>                  on 10 Nisan[ref. Exo 12]. This was the Passover
>                  meal Jesus shared with His disciples the eve of
>                  His crucifixion. Notably, the second pascha was
>                  occurring at around the time Jesus died, between
>                  3 and 5 PM that afternoon. From the King James:
>                  "Ye know that after two days is the feast of the
>                  passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be
>                  crucified. Then assembled together the chief
>                  priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the
>                  people, unto the palace of the high priest, who
>                  was called Caiaphas, and consulted that they
>                  might take Jesus by subtlety, and kill him. But
>                  they said, Not on the feast day[15 Nisan], lest
>                  there be an uproar among the people."[Mat 26:2-5]
>                  Jesus was God's Lamb for both Passover offerings,
>                  and His sacrifice left all others of none effect:
>                  Jesus Himself had literally become the Passover.
>* Passover morning, and preparation day for the High Sabbath of
>  the first day of unleavened bread; Jesus was crucified at 9 AM
>  Wednesday morning[ref. Mark 15:25], and gave up the ghost shortly
>  after 3 PM that afternoon[ref. Mat 27:45-50; Mark 15:33-37; Luke
>  23:44-46]. It was thusly that Gabriel's "Messiah the Prince" had
>  been "cut off" literally in the "midst of the week"(Wednesday),
>  in the midst of the seventieth sabbatic year[ref. Dan 9:24-27],
>  just *exactly* as the prophecy had foretold 568 years before:
>      Julian day: 1732495
> Julian calendar: Wednesday, April 25, 31 AD
> Jewish calendar: 14 Abib/Nisan 3791
>         Sunrise: 5:02:49 AM JST; 1732494.62696
>          Sunset: 6:07:37 PM JST; 1732495.17196
>           Notes: Wednesday crucifixion proven, thus "Good Friday"
>                  is myth. Notably, even if Jesus' crucifixion had
>                  occurred in 30 AD (of the orthodox traditions),
>                  the Hebrew calendar year 3790 was *not* a leap
>                  year, a fact clearly demonstrated by the calendar
>                  evidence. The molad for Nisan 3790 was Wednesday,
>                  Mar 22, 30 AD @ 8:57:59 PM JST(JD 1732096.29027),
>                  placing 1 Nisan the next day, Thursday, Mar 23,
>                  30 AD, thus 14 Nisan fell on Wednesday, April 5,
>                  30 AD, therefore "Friday/30 AD" church traditions
>                  have been squarely refuted by the evidence, which
>                  selfsame evidence has proven Wednesday, April 25,
>                  31 AD the actual date of our Lord's crucifixion,
>                  thus is accepted as proven fact. And for all you
>                  33 AD crucifixion devotees out there, here, I'll
>                  save you the trouble! The molad for Nisan 3793
>                  was on Thursday, March 19, 33 AD @ 2:46:38 PM JST
>                  (JD 1733189.03238), placing 1 Nisan on Saturday,
>                  March 21, 33 AD, with 14 Nisan falling on Friday,
>                  April 3, 33 AD. There's your Easter[Ishtar]Friday
>                  for the crucifixion, but 33 AD doesn't hold up
>                  very well to being in the "midst" of Gabriel's
>                  70th sabbatic year[5.5 of 7], nor is Friday near
>                  the "midst of the week" as Wednesday certainly
>                  is, but the final "nail in the coffin" for the
>                  Nicaean/Roman Catholic "Good Friday" mythologies
>                  is provided by the Scriptures, since from *after*
>                  6 PM Friday evening[Mat 27:57-60, John 19:38-42]
>                  to after 6 PM Saturday evening[Mark 16:9] totals
>                  ONE DAY i.e. one morning and one evening ONLY, or
>                  perhaps a day and five-eighths at the outside if
>                  one presumes to count from 3 PM Friday afternoon
>                  to 6 AM Sunday morning(squeezing every last drop)
>                  still well-shy of even "two days and two nights",
>                  much less the *requisite* "three days and three
>                  nights in the heart of the earth"[Mat 12:40] our
>                  Lord Jesus had promised. "Friday" is invalidated,
>                  and there're plenty more chapters and verses to
>                  cite supporting Wednesday, April 25, 31 AD as the
>                  *historical* crucifixion date of our Lord Jesus,
>                  but I'll reserve these citations for follow-ups;
>                  the point is already proven *incontrovertibly*.
>* Date Jesus resurrected; scientifically-inexplicable image
>  produced on 1st-century linen shroud by process unknown and
>  unidentified. Turin shroud is proven authentic, see notes:
>      Julian day: 1732498
> Julian calendar: Saturday Evening, April 28, 31 AD
> Jewish calendar: Sunday, 18 Nisan 3791(early in the evening)
>         Sunrise: 4:59:26 AM JST; JD 1732497.62461
>          Sunset: 6:09:28 PM JST; JD 1732498.17324
>           Notes: This resurrection process impressed the shroud
>                  with the image of Lord Jesus' once-dead, tortured
>                  body, apparently resulting from bursts of radiant
>                  energy emitted during the miraculous resurrection
>                  process, an energy which apparently dispersed as
>                  this process neared completion, since there's no
>                  apparent movement visible in the shroud's image.
>                  Mary and Martha's brother Lazarus might have left
>                  some similar image in the swathing bands and face
>                  cloth he was wrapped in[ref. John 11:1-44,12:17]?
>                  Very notably, the clothes of persons who've died
>                  wearing them for any length of time after their
>                  death's have never *once* been shown to have any
>                  such image impressed into the clothing's fibers,
>                  thus proving the shroud's image is NOT a function
>                  of any process known to science, since the man in
>                  the shroud was very clearly a man who'd been dead
>                  i.e. clinically and biologically dead NOT living.
>                  Hence, the image shouldn't be there, but there it
>                  is nonetheless! This alone is compelling evidence
>                  for the shroud's authenticity but there's more...
>                  The Turin shroud and Sudarium cloth are pages of
>                  "Scripture" penned in the precious blood of our
>                  Lord and Savior Jesus signed by the hand of God.
>                  Just as Scripture endures all scrutiny (written
>                  in the Spirit of Prophecy which is Jesus Christ),
>                  the shroud and face covering invite all manner of
>                  secular criticisms, yet the artifacts do prevail
>                  under the brightest of lights that the scientific
>                  inquiry has to offer! We know that the shroud and
>                  face covering are the genuine burial linen of our
>                  Lord Jesus since the evidence clearly proves it,
>                  not that any such evidence is "requisite" to the
>                  Christian faith, but neither does this imply that
>                  one should turn a blind eye to any such evidence,
>                  especially when the evidence is 100% conclusive.
>                  If this evidence sways a few "doubting Thomas's"
>                  out there, then we as Christians have done well:
>                  * Doctors of medicine and experts in the human
>                  anatomy including forensic pathologists/medical
>                  examiners/coroners/etc. have examined the image
>                  in the shroud and have concluded that this adult
>                  male in his 30s had suffered very severe beatings
>                  and crucifixion precisely as is described in the
>                  New Testament gospel accounts, and some of these
>                  medical professionals have admitted openly that
>                  this image could be of none other than the One,
>                  crucified Jesus[ref. Bucklin, M.D., J.D., et al].
>                  No doubt myriad's more would admit this, but such
>                  would jeopardize his or her own medical career's;
>                  * The shroud measures 4.6 x 1.1 meters, standard
>                  measurements of 8 x 2 Philatelic cubits in use in
>                  Palestine in the first century AD. It bears the
>                  front and back images of our Lord crucified in a
>                  manner identical to that which was testified to
>                  in the Scriptures, and is the most intensively
>                  scrutinized artifact in recorded history, with
>                  scientific testing proving time and again that
>                  the image was produced NOT by artistic methods,
>                  but by profound physical changes in the linen
>                  fibers themselves by process(es) unknown and to
>                  date unidentified. Physicist Osward Schewermann,
>                  who'd conducted experiments on the phenomenon of
>                  coronal discharge, i.e., discharge of radiation
>                  from a surface charged with static electricity,
>                  observed that flat objects like leaves discharge
>                  electrons from their edges when they touch cloth,
>                  forming well-defined lines which follow contours
>                  where the leaves and cloth make contact, but more
>                  diffused where the materials are close but do not
>                  actually touch, partially characteristic of the
>                  shroud's images, describing most images *but* the
>                  inexplicable image formed by the crucified body:
>                  THIS image no scientist in the world can explain;
>                  * The herringbone twill @ 3:1 weave is distinctly
>                  of *first-century* Syrian manufacture! These flax
>                  fibrils contain entwisted cotton fibrils from the
>                  very *same* loom, the cotton Gossypium herbaceum,
>                  a Middle East species not found in Europe;
>                  * The shroud contains myriad pollen grains from
>                  at least 58 species of plants, 17 indigenous to
>                  Europe(where it's been kept for the last seven
>                  centuries), but the majority are indigenous to
>                  the region of the Dead Sea and Turkey, including
>                  Artemisia herba-alba, Nyoscyamus aureus, and
>                  Onosma syriacum. Even the pollen of the wreath
>                  of thorns was found to be of local origin. The
>                  Zygophyllum dumosum is identified as the most
>                  significant plant imaged in the shroud, as it
>                  grows ONLY in Israel, Jordan, and Sinai. Winter
>                  leaves all reveal their previous year's petioles,
>                  proving the plants were picked in the springtime,
>                  as does the state of growth for every plant thus
>                  far identified. And some surprising images have
>                  been identified in the shroud, including a hammer
>                  and a nail, a broom, an ancient-style rope, even
>                  a sponge and reed[ref. Mark 15:36]! The gospels
>                  tell us that Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus,
>                  with the assistance of Mary Magdalene and Mary
>                  mother of Joses, were the ones who'd prepared
>                  and wrapped Jesus' body, quickly gathering and
>                  arranging these flowers which are imaged in the
>                  shroud, preparing spices and ointments according
>                  to the Jewish custom[ref. Mat 27:57-60, Mark
>                  15:42-47,16:1; Luke 23:50-55; John 19:38-42]
>                  as time permitted. This is clearly spelled out as
>                  Jewish custom[John 19:40], and it is clear from
>                  gospel accounts that flower arrangements evident
>                  in the shroud were not at first completed that
>                  dreadful early evening following the crucifixion,
>                  but were completed on Friday following the High
>                  Sabbath of 15 Nisan, and the final ointments etc.
>                  were to be applied Sunday, but of course, *that*
>                  preparation was not to be. Jesus was risen!
>                  * Blood was typed 'AB' in all testing performed,
>                  containing high levels of bilirubin consistent
>                  with the severe concussive injuries suffered by
>                  our Lord on that prophesied Passover morning.
>                  * C14 measurements of bacteria, fungi, and bio-
>                  plastic/biogenic varnish deposited as a result
>                  of the symbiosis between the two organisms had
>                  compromised the results of every C14 test done.
>                  These 1988 radiocarbon "dating" tests averaged
>                  the remnant C14 of the original linen with the
>                  microorganisms Lichenothelia and Rhodococcus
>                  AND the resultant calcium carbonate varnish.
>                  This bioplastic varnish was NOT removed by the
>                  cleaning procedures used in radiocarbon labs.
>                  These microorganisms are still present, living
>                  and multiplying on the linen shroud of Turin.
>                  [ref. Mattingly/Garza-Vermes].
>                  * The swath cloth[Sudarium of Oviedo; ref. John
>                  20:6-7] shows an obvious and perfect match with
>                  the image and stains on the shroud in at least
>                  120 points of coincidence, and the Sudarium is
>                  known to date at its very least back to 613 AD
>                  from Palestine, and 1075 AD in Spain, further
>                  proving the radiocarbon tests were compromised,
>                  and further proof that the shroud is genuine.
>                  * Particulate iron-oxide permeating the shroud
>                  was proven NOT to be some "artist's pigment",
>                  and likewise was proven NOT to be the cause of
>                  the image in the linen fibrils of the shroud
>                  regardless and irrespective of its origin(s).
>                  The "debunking" media hype ignores this and all
>                  other evidence which proves the shroud genuine.
>                  * Microspectrophotometric analysis of blood from
>                  the shroud found hemoglobin, but in its acid-
>                  methemoglobin form due to its great antiquity
>                  and denaturation. Additional tests identified
>                  the presence of porphyrin, albumin, bilirubin
>                  and protein. Also, when proteases were applied
>                  to a fibril containing the denaturated blood,
>                  the blood dissolved, but left an "imageless"
>                  fibril[ref. Heller/Adler]. This proves the
>                  image contemporaneous with the ancient blood
>                  by demonstrating that those fresh bloodstains
>                  were absorbed by the cloth before formation
>                  of the image contained in the linen fibrils.
>                  * In 1532 the chapel at Chambery caught fire,
>                  and the heat was so intense that part of the
>                  silver reliquary where the shroud was stored
>                  melted, dripping onto the folded shroud. The
>                  shroud was saved from the fire but the burns
>                  were significant, since the shroud had been
>                  exposed to intense heat at low oxygen levels.
>                  This may also have contributed to the faulty
>                  radiocarbon dating of the shroud, as might've
>                  centuries of tallow candle smoke and incense.
>                  * Iconography dating to the sixth century when
>                  superimposed on the shroud face shows at least
>                  170 unique points of congruity with the image.
>                  This in itself has developed into a science,
>                  with the shroud's singularly distinctive face
>                  depicted everywhere in post- 6th century art.
>                  An illustration of the entombed and enshrouded
>                  Jesus was found in a prayer book from Budapest
>                  called the "Pray Manuscript", depicting the "L"
>                  pattern of unique burn holes formed earlier in
>                  the shroud's long history, including the weave
>                  pattern in the shroud itself(!) This manuscript
>                  dates to 1192 with the shroud used as its model,
>                  absolutely proving the 1988 radiocarbon dating
>                  is hopelessly in error, thus has been discarded.
>                  * There's much more evidence for the shroud, and
>                  the long list of shroud evidence keeps growing.
>* Jesus' resurrection discovered Sunday morning at 5 AM[Mark 16:2]:
>      Julian day: 1732471
> Julian calendar: Sunday, April 29, 31 AD
> Jewish calendar: 18 Nisan 3791
>         Sunrise: 4:58:20 AM JST; JD 1732498.62384
>          Sunset: 6:10:05 PM JST; JD 1732499.17367
>           Notes: Jesus' prophecy "For as Jonas was three days and
>                  three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the
>                  Son of man be three days and three nights in the
>                  heart of the earth"[Mat 12:40{KJV}] tells us more
>                  than just the time He was in the tomb(in as much
>                  as such time can be counted by mortal men). This
>                  passage Jesus' had paraphrased is found at Jonah
>                  1:17 "Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to
>                  swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of
>                  the fish three days and three nights." Aside from
>                  deferring Judgement on the repentant Ninevah for
>                  perhaps another day, Jonah's scroll seems notably
>                  incomplete, ending with 4:11 "And should not I
>                  spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more
>                  than sixscore thousand persons that cannot
>                  discern between their right hand and their left
>                  hand; and also much cattle?" This is the only
>                  book in the entire Bible--or even the apocrypha--
>                  which ends with a QUESTION. And what was Jonah's
>                  reply to God's question? Might he have answered
>                  in humility as one might expect, what might he
>                  have said--written--in response? At first glance,
>                  it would appear Jonah's autograph was written
>                  on two scrolls, with the latter forever lost to
>                  the sands of antiquity, effectively cut off right
>                  in the midst of his dialogue. The similarity to
>                  Gabriel's seventieth week is clear, and Jonah's
>                  answer to God was answered in his own heart, in
>                  spirit and in truth[John 4:23-24,14:16-21,ibid],
>                  i.e. in our "heart, soul and mind"[Mat 22:37-40].
>                  This is the doctrine of Lord Jesus in a nutshell
>                  [ref. Lev 19:18; Deu 6:5].
>* Daily sacrifice[Gk. endelecismdv] ceased, temple soon destroyed:
>      Julian day: 1746832
> Julian calendar: Tuesday, July 17, 70 AD
> Jewish calendar: 20 Tammuz 3830
>        New Moon: Jun 26, 70 AD @ 11:05:03 PM JST
>     Julian date: 1746802.37851; Lunation: -22912
>   Moon distance: 367927k(57.7 ER); Subtends 0.5413°
> Right ascension: 06:13:47.72; Declination: 28:39:06
>         Azimuth: 170.909; Altitude: -28.956
>          Rising: 3:34:07 AM JST; JD 1746801.56536
>         Setting: 6:47:07 PM JST; JD 1746802.19939
>           Notes: Excerpts from the Book of Daniel 9:27(KJV):
>                  "...and in the midst of the week he shall cause
>                  the sacrifice and the oblation to cease..." This
>                  *cause* was the Lamb of God's crucifixion nearly
>                  40 years(14337 days, or 39 years + 93 days) prior
>                  to this date. "...and for the overspreading of
>                  abominations..." The Jewish hierarchy had flatly
>                  rejected their One True Lord and Rightful King,
>                  rendering the temple at Jerusalem the veritable
>                  "synagogue of Satan"[ref. Rev 2:9], kindling the
>                  Lord God's Almighty wrath, thus "...he shall
>                  make it desolate, even until the consummation,"
>                  was made manifest and the prophecy was fulfilled
>                  "...and the people of the prince that shall come
>                  shall destroy the city and the sanctuary..." The
>                  Prince that shall come was Jesus resurrected to
>                  eternal glory as King of kings and Lord of lords,
>                  so His people were the Roman soldiers under Titus
>                  since they'd taken it upon themselves to act as
>                  "a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth
>                  evil."[ref. Rom 13:4]. Not to infer "endorsement"
>                  of the Roman's murderous rampage on the city, as
>                  this passage from 'Toward Romans' admonishes us:
>                  "avenge not yourselves, but rather give place
>                  unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine;
>                  I will repay, saith the Lord". 24 days later, the
>                  temple was set ablaze by a Roman soldier. Within
>                  hours, the temple was destroyed, August 10, 70AD,
>                  which was on 15 Av(Ab) 3830, not 9 Av of talmudic
>                  tradition which had accorded "minor adjustments"
>                  thereto presumably in remembrance of the first
>                  temple's destruction. The new moon preceding the
>                  fire occurred July 26 70 AD @ 7:09:03 AM JST(JD
>                  1746831.71462), with the full moon @ 6:54:42 PM
>                  JST August 10(JD 1746847.20466), and 1 Tishri of
>                  the following Hebrew calendar year 3831 fell on
>                  Monday, Sep 24, 70 AD, so August 10, 70 AD/15 Ab
>                  3830 is definitely the correct date of the fire.
>* Jerusalem destroyed(observed), the city was "razed flat":
>      Julian day: 1746876
> Julian calendar: Saturday, September 8, 70 AD
> Jewish calendar: 14 Elul 3830
>        New Moon: Aug 24, 70 AD @ 5:00:32 PM JST
>     Julian date: 1746861.12537; Lunation: -22910
>   Moon distance: 383547k(60.1 ER); Subtends 0.5193°
> Right ascension: 10:08:36.65; Declination: 14:28:24
>         Azimuth: 96.911; Altitude: 16.773
>          Rising: 4:37:40 AM JST; JD 1746860.60949
>         Setting: 6:21:09 PM JST; JD 1746861.18135
>           Notes: "desolate...consummation"[Dan 9:27] fulfilled.
>                  Titus spared only the western wall and the three
>                  towers, Hippicon, Phasaelus and Mariamme "..for
>                  their great beauty and strength...a monument to
>                  posterity to the magnificence of that city."
>                  [ref. Ussher's 4073bAM,4783JP,70AD#6978]
>                         IN SUMMARY:
>   -Jesus was born before sunrise Monday, August 12, 3 BC.
>   -Jesus was visited by the Magi Tuesday, June 17, 2 BC.
>   -Jesus was baptised on Thursday, September 18, 27 AD.
>   -Jesus rode into Jerusalem Saturday, April 21, 31 AD.
>   -Jesus was crucified on Wednesday, April 25, 31 AD at
>    9 AM, and died shortly after 3 PM that afternoon; His
>    body was entombed after sunset the eve of the Sabbath.
>   -Jesus was resurrected early Saturday evening, April 28,
>    31 AD. This fact was discovered at 5 AM Sunday morning.
>   -Jesus was 11,944 days of age at His crucifixion. He'd
>    lived 32 years/36 weeks/4 days. Now He lives forever.
> "...Undeserved kindness to *you* and peace from the(one) being
> and the(one) was and the(one) coming, and from the seven spirits
> which in sight of the throne of him, and from Jesus Christ, [he]
> the Witness the Faithful, the firstborn of the dead(ones) and The
> Ruler of the kings of the earth. To the(one) loving us and having
> loosed us out of the sins of us in the blood of him,--and he made
> us kingdom, priests to the God and to Father of him,--to him the
> glory and the might into the ages; amen. Look! He is coming with
> the clouds, and will see him every eye and whichever(ones) him
> stabbed out, and they will strike themselves upon him all the
> tribes of the earth. Yes, amen." --ref. Rev 1:4-7[WH-ITGS]
>                          <e.o.f.>