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April 1998, Week 2


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Bob Walker <[log in to unmask]>
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Tue, 14 Apr 1998 12:06:07 PST8PDT
text/plain (47 lines)
 "Inghram, Don" <[log in to unmask]>  asked:

> We use AQ/3000 (Advanced Query) from the Contributed Library heavily.  There
> are several capabilities that are supposed to be available that I haven't
> gotten working, notably connecting records from multiple databases in a
> report

Here's an example from our system:
Current database is APDB(Accounts payable).
 PODB(purchase orders) is defined in AQ STAB database as an
'Auxiliary' database and is opened upon entry to the primary
database, APDB.

Here's a report that gets the delivery date for a PO from PODB.
  > r
  > d1,vendor-invoice,-1
  > d1,po-number,-24    << value from invoices set >>
  > d1,!dbtran(podb:po.po-number = po-number,delivery-date),-40
          <<   delivery-date from podb:po set is displayed. >>
  > s,vendor-invoice
 > end

> and using an external file of record keys to select a set of records
> in a find operation.  I have followed the manual as best I can with no luck.
>  If someone has examples of doing this, I would appreciate the help.
>  Thanks!

We haven't done this in a while, but I seem to recall you can create
a file of record keys *as if* AQ did the find and then use AQ to do
the reporting. Is this what you mean?

I think you can trick AQ into thinking it created the file by calling
it SF1 and then do a >SELECT SF1??  Something like that.   You may
want to deconstruct a save file(SF1) to get the format.


BTW. AQ supports such FINDS as:
>s = invoices
>f currency-ex-rate = orig-ex-rate
Bob Walker, Computer Centre  --  [log in to unmask]
Capilano College, North Vancouver, BC, CANADA.