HP3000-L Archives

July 1997, Week 4


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 28 Jul 1997 04:38:40 -0400516_- Hi all !

I remember reading that the Maya (or some other Native American people ?) had
a base-20 numbering scheme, using points and dashes to write numbers. In
fact, it was more a 4 * 5 system. I do not really remember the specifics,
just that it kind of was base-20 .

Now, we have some "magic" numbers. 12 is one of them : the 12 tribes of
Israel, 12 months of the year, the 12 cylinders on a Ferrari engine ... 7 is
another one : 7 deadly sins, 7 days of the week ... [...]40_28Jul199704:38:[log in to unmask]
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 14:06:57 -0400
        The IS folks want us to use Rumba Version 2.1 to gain access to the
     Hewlett Packard. We have an unlimited site license for Rumba. They
     want us to discontinue using WRQ Reflection for HP with NS/VT for Win
     95/Win NT because of costs, and support isssues. Rumba is the
     Corporate standard and is supported by the help desk.
        Any comments, problems, bugs reports etc. would be appreciated!