HP3000-L Archives

January 1997, Week 4


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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask], 20 Jan 1997 20:39:00 P579_- Denys after Art Bahrs,
<<< COBOL is an excellent suggestion for a language tho :)

>Or RPG.

If Denys can mention RPG, I can mention Transact/iX.

.... In fact, this was a good leader to something I have
been wanting to mention for quite some time; have just
been hoping to get confirmation from HP; none so far.
However, since the "HP 3000 Future Directions" video
conference is coming up next week, I am posting this
preliminary "I think / hope we are going to get some
good news" update on my own: [...]44_20Jan199720:39:[log in to unmask]
Mon, 27 Jan 1997 18:23:49 +0100
text/plain (30 lines)
> Hi All!
> We recently upgraded our 967 to 5.5 and are now having problems with
> HPSlate.  We have been using HPSlate for years, although much of that use
> is moving to MSWord.  I still have about 20 users on HPSlate.  It appears
> that the user needs to reset their terminal at the main screen and the
> open file screen(probably others also).  Our corporate support has told
> us that HP does not have or plan to fix the problem.
> So, is their a contributed or cheap word processor for the HP?  HPSlate
> is NOT fancy, so I'm not looking for much.
> Thanks
> Steve Murphy
> Information Systems Manager
> Salem Division
> World Color
> Salem IL
> [log in to unmask]

i had a a quick look at the stack of hpslate and
it seems to me hpslate has the problem SR 5003321083 solved
with patch MPEJXB4 (beta test).

please contact your response center for a binary patch.

wolfgang kinscher