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November 2005, Week 4


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Tracy Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
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Tue, 22 Nov 2005 08:00:21 -0500
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Iraq: The Battle in the Beltway
Editor's Note: We are resending today's Geopolitical Intelligence Report 
to correct an error that initially appeared in the first paragraph of 
the piece.

By George Friedman

With President George W. Bush's poll ratings still in the doldrums, the 
debate in Washington has become predictably rancorous. For their part, 
the Democrats continue to insist that Bush lied about weapons of mass 
destruction to justify the invasion of Iraq, despite the fact that Bill 
Clinton launched Operation Desert Fox in 1998 on the basis of similar 
intelligence. The Bush administration didn't manufacture evidence on 
WMD: If evidence was manufactured, it was manufactured during Clinton's 
administration -- and the Democrats know this. On the other hand, the 
Bush administration has slammed the Democrats' criticism of the war, 
with one congresswoman charging a Democratic congressman -- a 
congressman who served for 37 years in the Marine Corps and was awarded 
the Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts while in Vietnam -- with cowardice 
for advocating a withdrawal. Republicans know better.

The current debate is making both sides look stupid. But lest we despair 
about the fate of the republic, it should be remembered that political 
debate in the United States has rarely been edifying and, during times 
of serious tension, has been downright incoherent. What is important 
about the current debate is not so much its content -- there is precious 
little of that -- as the fact that it serves as a barometer of the 
current situation in Washington as well as in Iraq. What the debate is 
telling us is that we have come to a defining moment in the war and in 
U.S. policy toward the war. That means that it is time to step back and 
try to define the root issues.

Intelligence Failures and Guerrilla War

Whatever the origin of the war -- and Stratfor readers are aware of our 
views on why the war was begun -- we can pinpoint the moment at which 
the Bush strategy first ran into trouble. In mid-April 2003, just a few 
weeks after the fall of Baghdad, guerrilla attacks in the form of small 
bombings began to take place. By May 2003, attacks were occurring daily. 
It started to become clear that a guerrilla war had been launched.

When people talk about intelligence failures, they inevitably speak 
about the WMD issue. That was trivial, however, compared to the failure 
of the U.S. intelligence community to discover that the Baathists had 
planned for continued warfare after the fall of Baghdad. Indeed, they 
did not even resist in Baghdad. Understanding that defeating the United 
States conventionally was impossible, they focused on mounting a 
guerrilla war after U.S. forces had occupied the country.

The guerrilla campaign was not spontaneous. It came together much too 
quickly and escalated far too efficiently for that to be the case. The 
guerrillas clearly had access to weapons caches, possessed a rudimentary 
command, control and communications system, and had worked out some 
baseline tactics. They were too widely dispersed in their operations to 
be simply a pick-up game. Somebody had set these things in place. That 
meant that someone should have detected the plans.

There were two reasons for this intelligence failure. First, detecting 
the kinds of preparations being made is not easy. The United States was 
heavily dependent on networks created by the Shiite leader Ahmed 
Chalabi, and the guerrillas were Sunnis. We suspect that the sourcing 
prior to the war blinded the United States to preparations being made in 
Sunni territory. Second, and more important, Washington had a 
predetermined concept about Iraq and Iraqi resistance, which many shared.

The United States had fought the Iraqis during Desert Storm, and emerged 
with a complete lack of respect for the Iraqi forces. Just as the 
Israelis had developed a concept of the capabilities of the Egyptian 
forces in the 1967 war -- a concept that proved to be disastrously 
incorrect by the 1973 war -- so the Americans had reached a set 
conclusion about Iraqi forces. Moreover, they had drawn political 
conclusions: Saddam Hussein's regime was unpopular and its fall would be 
greeted with emotions ranging from indifference to joy. Thus, the 
Americans focused on what they expected to be a conventional military 
campaign that would create a blank slate on which the United States 
could draw a new political map.

There was another side to this. The American experience in guerrilla 
warfare was fixed in Vietnam. The lesson of Vietnam was that the United 
States was defeated by two things: first, sanctuaries for the guerrillas 
that the United States could not attack -- including a complex 
logistical system, the Ho Chi Minh Trail -- and second, the terrain and 
vegetation of Vietnam, which prevented effective aerial reconnaissance 
and placed U.S. forces at a tactical disadvantage. Iraq's topography did 
not offer sanctuary or cover. Therefore, a full-scale insurgency would 
be impossible to mount.

The United States had failed to learn important lessons from the Israeli 
situation, in which guerrilla warfare -- incorporating wildly 
unconventional means such as suicide bombers -- was waged without 
benefit of sanctuary or clear supply lines. But more importantly, the 
Americans had failed to take into account that while Iraq could not 
field a large, effective conventional force, guerrilla warfare requires 
a much smaller number of troops. Moreover, they failed to consider that 
the behavior of forces defending Iraq's seizure of Kuwait during Desert 
Storm might be different than the behavior of forces resisting American 
occupation of Iraq proper.

Intelligence failures occur in every war, and this one was certainly 
much less significant than, for instance, the failure at Pearl Harbor. 
But this failure was conjoined with the administration's assumption 
that, given the character of the Iraqi soldier and the nature of Iraqi 
society, Iraqi resistance would not be sustained. That error, coupled 
with the intelligence failure, generated today's crisis. The problem is 
an intelligence failure overlaid by a misconception.

Insurgency and Inertia

If intelligence failures are a constant reality in war, the measure of a 
military force is how rapidly it recognizes that a failure has occurred 
and how quickly it adjusts strategy and tactics. In this case, the 
administration's concept about Iraq blocked the adjustment: The Bush 
administration's position, as pronounced by Donald Rumsfeld, was that 
the guerrillas did not constitute an organized force and that they were 
merely the "dead-enders" of the Baathist government. This remained the 
administration's position until July 2003.

That meant that for about three months, as the guerrillas gained 
increasing traction, there was no change in U.S. strategy or tactics. 
Strategically, Washington continued to view Iraq as a pacified country 
on which the United States could impose a political and social system, 
much as it did with Japan and Germany after World War II. This had a 
specific meaning: The Baathists had been the ruling party in Iraq; 
therefore, driving former Baathists out of public life, a process that 
mirrored what happened in Germany and Japan, was the strategy. 
Tactically, since there were no guerrillas -- only criminals and 
remnants of the former regime -- no military action had to be taken. 
U.S. forces remained in an essentially defensive posture against a 
trivial threat.

The decision to force the Baathists out of public life had two effects. 
First, it drove the Baathists closer to the guerrillas. They had nowhere 
else to go. Second, it stripped Iraq of what technocrats it had. After a 
generation of Baath rule, anyone with technical competence was a member 
of the Baath party. That meant that the United States had to bring in 
contractors to operate Iraq's infrastructure. But if we assume that the 
Baathists over time could be replaced by other Iraqis with sufficient 
training, then this was a rational policy.

The administration realized its error in June and July 2003. It replaced 
CENTCOM commander Gen. Tommy Franks earlier than scheduled with Gen. 
John Abizaid. The problem was that the insurrection, by then, had taken 
root. It is not clear that there was ever a point when the insurrection 
could have been stopped, but certainly, the three-month lag between the 
opening of the guerrilla war and the beginning of an American response 
had made it impossible to simply stop the insurrection.

At the same time, the insurrection had a basic weakness: It was not an 
Iraqi insurrection, but a Sunni insurrection. To underscore a point that 
most Americans seem unable to grasp, most of Iraq never rose against the 
Americans. The insurrection was confined to the Sunni regions and -- 
despite some attempts to expand it -- the Shia and Kurds were not only 
indifferent, but completely hostile, to the aspirations of the Sunnis. 
If the American Achilles' heel was its inability to force a military 
solution to the insurrection, the weakness of the Sunnis was their 
inability to broaden the base of the insurrection.

However, once it was established that the insurrection was under way, 
the American conception collapsed.

Reaction: Negotiations

First, the view of the Iraqis as essentially passive following the war 
gave way to a very different picture: The Sunnis were in rebellion, and 
the Shia were confidently preparing the way for a government they would 
dominate. Iraq was not Japan. It was not a canvas on which a 
contemporary MacArthur could overlay a regime. It was not even an entity 
that could be governed.

This led to the second shift. The United States could not unilaterally 
shape Iraq. The other side of this coin was that the United States had 
to make deals with a variety of Iraqi factions -- and this meant not 
only the Shia, Sunnis and Kurds, but also factions within each of these 
groups. Indeed, the United States had to deal not only with the Iraqi 
Shia, but also with the Iranians, who had real influence among them. The 
United States had to try to split that community -- which in turn meant 
dealing with former Baathist officials who were supporting the fight 
against the United States. In other words, the United States had to deal 
with its enemies.

When you don't win a war, you can end it only through negotiations, and 
those negotiations will take place with the people you are fighting -- 
your enemies. At the first battle of Al Fallujah, the Americans made 
their first public deal with the Baathists. Indeed, the American 
strategy turned into a political one: U.S. forces were fighting a 
holding battle with the guerrillas while negotiating intensely with a 
dizzying array of people that, prior to July 2003, the United States 
would have had arrested.

The American concept about Iraq is long gone. The failure to identify 
the intentions of the Baathists after the war is now history. But the 
essential problem remains in Washington's public posture:

1. The administration cannot admit what is self-evident: it does not 
have the ability, by itself, to break the back of the Sunni 
insurrection. To achieve this, the United States needs help from 
non-jihadist Sunnis -- Baathists -- as well as the Shia. U.S. troops 
cannot achieve the mission alone.

2. In order to get this help, the United States is going to have to make 
-- and is, in fact, making -- a variety of deals with players it would 
have regarded as enemies two years ago, and must make concessions that 
would seem to be unthinkable.

These negotiations are constant. The United States is doing everything 
it can to get former Baathists into the political process -- people who 
were close to Hussein. It is working intently with people like Ahmed 
Chalabi who were close -- some say very close -- to the Iranians. It is 
cutting deals left and right like a Chicago ward boss.

This is, of course, precisely what the United States must do. Its best 
chance at a reasonable outcome in Iraq is to split the Sunni community 
between jihadist and Baathist, and then use the Baathists to 
counterbalance the Shia -- without alienating the Shia. It takes the 
skill of an acrobat, and the fact is that Bush has not been too bad at 
it. The war itself has become a side show. U.S. troops are not in Iraq 
to win a war. They are there to represent U.S. will and to act as a 
counterweight in the political wheeling and dealing. War is politics by 
other means, so being shocked by this makes little sense. Still, the 
numbers of U.S. troops are irrelevant to the real issue. Doubling them 
wouldn't help, and cutting them in half wouldn't hurt. The time for a 
military solution is long past.

Battle in the Beltway

The problem with the hysteria in Washington is this: In all the 
negotiations, in all the promises, bribes and threats, the one currency 
that counts is the American ability to deliver. The ability to craft a 
deal depends on the ability of Bush to threaten various factions, and to 
make guarantees that can be delivered on. There is a pretty good chance 
that some sort of reasonable settlement can be achieved -- not ending 
all violence, but reducing it substantially -- if the United States has 
the credibility it needs to make the deals.

The problem the Bush administration has -- and it is a problem that 
dates back to the beginning of the war -- is its inability to articulate 
the reality. The United States is not staying the course. It has not 
been on course -- if by "course" you mean what was planned in February 
2003 -- for two years. The course the United States has been on has been 
winding, shifting and surprising. The fact is that the administration 
has done a fairly good job of riding the whirlwind. But the course has 
shifted so many times that no one can stay it, because it disappeared 
long ago.

Having committed the fundamental error -- and that wasn't WMD -- the 
Administration has done a sufficiently good job that some sort of 
working government might well be created in Iraq in 2006, and U.S. 
forces will certainly be withdrawn. What threatens this outcome is the 
administration's singular inability to simply state the obvious. As a 
result, the Democrats -- doing what opposition parties do -- has made it 
appear that the Bush administration is the most stupid, inept and 
incompetent administration in history. And the administration has been 
reduced to calling its critics cowards.

The administration's position in Iraq is complex but not hopeless. Its 
greatest challenge is in Washington, where Bush's Republican base of 
support is collapsing. If it collapses, then all bets will be off in 
Iraq. Bush's challenge is to stabilize Washington. In fact, from his 
point of view, Baghdad is more stable than Washington right now. The 
situation inside the Beltway has now become a geopolitical problem. If 
Bush can't pull it together, the situation in Iraq will come apart. But 
to forge the stability he needs in Washington, the president will have 
to explain what he is doing in Iraq. And he is loath to admit, from his 
own mouth, that he is making deals with the enemy.

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Tracy Johnson
Justin Thyme Productions


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