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May 2005, Week 5


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Brian Donaldson <[log in to unmask]>
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Brian Donaldson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 30 May 2005 10:58:05 -0400
text/plain (190 lines)
Although my program is written in Pascal, this really isn't a Pascal
problem but an AIF problem/issue.

My call to AIFPROCGET is returning a positive value in the overall status
field because it doesn't like item 2063 (return a table of file numbers
of files being accessed by other processes:

The AIF manual states that item 2063 is not putable and not verifiable, but
does this mean it is not gettable either?

I hope someone out there can enlighten me as to why item 2063 is giving me
a problem here.


Code sample here:
   i32rec_type          = record
                            cnt    :integer;
                            ints   :array[1..maximum_pids] of integer;

var accessors_count          :integer;
var cc                       :integer;
var count_1                  :integer;
var count_2                  :integer;
var count_3                  :integer;
var EOF_bytes                :integer;
var error_no                 :shortint;
var file_num                 :shortint;
var file_numbers             :i32rec_type;
var flimit_bytes             :integer;
var flimit_recs              :integer;
var job_session_no           :jsnum_type;
var jskey                    :integer;
var num_entries              :integer;
var pid_array_1              :packed array [1..maximum_pids] of
var path_array_1             :packed array [1..maximum_pids] of
var record_zero              :integer;
var sntinel_parms_1          :sntinel_parms_1_type;
var sntinel_parms_2          :sntinel_parms_2_type;

   aif_area          := 2000;
   item_num_array[1] := 2065;
   item_num_array[2] := 0;
   item_array    [1] := addr(sntinel_parms_1.ufid);
   proc_no           := 4;
   overall_status.all:= 0;
   num_entries       := maximum_pids;
   item_status_array := init_item_status_array;
   if overall_status.all <> 0 then
      goto 999;
   if (pid_array_1[1].left=0) and (pid_array_1[1].right=0) then
      goto 400;
   goto 200;

   count_2         := 0;
   stop_flag       := 0;
     file_numbers.cnt  := 0;
     item_num_array[1] := 2002;
     item_num_array[2] := 2015;
     item_num_array[3] := 2034;
     item_num_array[4] := 2035;
     item_num_array[5] := 2063;
     item_num_array[6] := 2094;
     item_num_array[7] := 0;
     item_array    [1] := addr(sntinel_parms_2.proc_pin);
     item_array    [2] := addr(sntinel_parms_2.job_session_no);
     item_array    [3] := addr(sntinel_parms_2.program_name);
     item_array    [4] := addr(sntinel_parms_2.program_file_no);
     item_array    [5] := addr(file_numbers);
     item_array    [6] := addr(jskey);
     item_status_array := init_item_status_array;
     overall_status.all:= 0;
     proc_no           := 5;
     count_2           := count_2 + 1;
     if overall_status.all = 0 then
       count_3             := 0;
       stop_flag           := 0;
         item_num_array[1] := 4013;
         item_num_array[2] := 4018;
         item_num_array[3] := 4019;
         item_num_array[4] := 0;
         item_array    [1] := addr(sntinel_parms_2.open_count);
         item_array    [2] := addr(sntinel_parms_2.logical_reads);
         item_array    [3] := addr(sntinel_parms_2.logical_writes);
         item_status_array := init_item_status_array;
         overall_status.all:= 0;
         proc_no           := 6;
         count_3           := count_3 + 1;
         if overall_status.all = 0 then
           item_num_array[1]  := 1001;
           item_num_array[2]  := 1009;
           item_num_array[3]  := 1010;
           item_num_array[4]  := 1011;
           item_num_array[5]  := 1012;
           item_num_array[6]  := 1013;
           item_num_array[7]  := 1014;
           item_num_array[8]  := 1015;
           item_num_array[9]  := 1017;
           item_num_array[10] := 1018;
           item_num_array[11] := 0;
           item_array    [1]  := addr(sntinel_parms_2.job_name);
           item_array    [2]  := addr(sntinel_parms_2.user_name);
           item_array    [3]  := addr(sntinel_parms_2.group_name);
           item_array    [4]  := addr(sntinel_parms_2.acct_name);
           item_array    [5]  := addr(sntinel_parms_2.input_device);
           item_array    [6]  := addr(sntinel_parms_2.output_device);
           item_array    [7]  := addr(sntinel_parms_2.logon_date);
           item_array    [8]  := addr(sntinel_parms_2.logon_time);
           item_array    [9]  := addr(sntinel_parms_2.jsmain_pin);
           item_array    [10] := addr(sntinel_parms_2.ci_pin);
           item_status_array  := init_item_status_array;
           overall_status.all := 0;
           proc_no            := 7;
           if overall_status.all = 0 then
             cc:= ccode;
             if cc = 2 then
                fwrite_parms[2].counter:= count_2
                 file_num:= fwrite_parms[2].file_num;
                 error_no:= fwrite_parms[2].error_no;
                 fwrite_parms[2].proc_no := 3;
                 stop_flag               := 1;
                 fwrite_parms[2].file_num:= file_num;
                 fwrite_parms[2].error_no:= error_no;
             stop_flag:= 1;
           stop_flag:= 1;
       until (count_3 = file_numbers.cnt) or (stop_flag <> 0);
       stop_flag:= 1;
   until (count_2 = num_entries) or (stop_flag <> 0);
   if stop_flag <> 0 then
      goto 999;
   goto 300;


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