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December 2004


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Bjorn Vang Jensen <[log in to unmask]>
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SCUBA or ELSE! Diver's forum <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Dec 2004 18:07:08 +0800
text/plain (211 lines)
We were on holiday in Bintan for a few days, having been unable to secure
tickets to Phuket...

Mika will no doubt be happy to hear that both Bent and John from Siam Dive
N' Sail are okay, and so are their families. 

All of our friends in Phuket are alive and accounted for, except for the
owners of Hi-Class Divers, Wolfgang and Evi. They are still missing, and the
fact that they were in Khao Lak, the hardest hit area, does not bode well.

Mother Nature is a bitch.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: SCUBA or ELSE! Diver's forum 
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Lee Bell
> Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 22:32
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [SCUBA-SE] Todays news on earthquake tragedy.
> A Third of the Dead Are Said to Be Children
> OLOMBO, Sri Lanka, Tuesday, Dec. 28 - Survivors of the 
> gigantic undersea earthquake on Sunday that swallowed 
> coastlines from Indonesia to Africa - which officials now 
> describe as one of the worst natural disasters in recent 
> history - recovered bodies on Tuesday, hurriedly arranged for 
> mass burials and searched for tens of thousands of the 
> missing in countries thousands of miles apart.
> The toll from the disaster - with more than 25,000 dead and 
> many unaccounted for - came into sharper relief on a day when 
> it seemed increasingly clear that at least a third of the 
> dead were children, according to estimates by aid officials.
> The International Red Cross and government officials here, as 
> well as those in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, the 
> Maldives and as far away as Somalia, warned that with 
> hundreds of thousands of people stranded in the open without 
> clean drinking water, epidemics of cholera and other 
> waterborne diseases could take as many lives as the initial waves.
> Images from around the region presented a tableau of 
> unrelenting grief. Fathers and mothers wailed over drowned 
> children. Bodies were arrayed in long rows in hastily dug 
> trenches. Villagers sat by ruined homes, stunned. Hotels in 
> some of Thailand's most luxurious resorts were turned into morgues.
> "This may be the worst natural disaster in recent history 
> because it is affecting so many heavily populated coastal 
> areas," said Jan Egeland, the emergency relief coordinator 
> for the United Nations, speaking at a news conference in New York.
> "Usually a natural disaster strikes one or two or three 
> countries, not eight or nine enormous coastlines like they've 
> done here," he added. "Bigger waves have been recorded. But 
> no wave has affected so many people." Nearly half the 
> reported deaths were here in Sri Lanka, where estimates 
> jumped Monday to more than 12,000 killed, and where more than 
> a million people were reported to have lost their homes.
> The realization began to emerge Tuesday that the dead 
> included an exceptionally high number of children who, aid 
> officials suggested, were least able to grab onto trees or 
> boats when the deadly waves smashed through villages and over 
> beaches. Children make up at least half the population of Asia.
> On the western tip of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the 
> destruction was doubly fierce, caused by both the earthquake 
> itself 150 miles away and the tsunamis that followed. The 
> Associated Press reported from the provincial capital, Banda 
> Aceh, that bloated bodies filled the streets and thousands of 
> survivors huddled without shelter. The American Consulate in 
> nearby Medan has received reports that waters around Banda 
> Aceh reached as far as 10 miles inland. The floodwaters 
> reportedly inundated one city hospital, drowning patients inside.
> Some 5,000 people are confirmed dead but that number is 
> expected at least to double [Tuesday, the Associated Press 
> reported that the Indonesian government said that the toll 
> had reached 9,000].Indonesia's vice president, Jusuf Kalla, 
> said he attended a mass burial of 1,500. The area has been 
> closed to journalists and aid workers because of a civil war, 
> and only a few local journalists have gotten in.
> Mr. Egeland said, "We haven't a clue" as to the number 
> affected in Aceh. He said it had been impossible to reach 
> contacts there, which he called "a bad sign."
> India reported more than 4,000 dead on the mainland. Hundreds 
> were dead or missing in the southern resort islands of 
> Thailand, many of them foreign vacationers.
> Mr. Egeland said the big problem now was to coordinate the 
> huge international aid effort, a particularly daunting 
> challenge given how widespread the devastation is. He said 
> the total damage would "probably be many billions of dollars."
> "We cannot fathom the cost of these poor societies and the 
> nameless fishermen and fishing villages and so on that have 
> just been wiped out," he said. "Hundreds of thousands of 
> livelihoods have gone."
> Amateur videotape played on television showed terrifying 
> scenes from several countries of huge walls of water crashing 
> through palm trees and over the tops of buildings and roaring 
> up coastal streets with cars and debris bobbing on the surface.
> To backdrops of screams and shouts, people were shown 
> clinging to buildings, being swept away by the current, 
> running for their lives, weeping, carrying the injured and 
> cradling dead children.
> As the water receded, almost as quickly as it had arrived, 
> bodies were seen in the branches of trees, and broken cars 
> and houses littered the shores as if a tornado had struck. 
> Some of the bodies and debris were sucked back out to sea.
> There were fears of thousands more deaths on India's Andaman 
> and Nicobar Islands, where most communications have been cut off.
> "In Andamans and Nicobar Islands, the death toll is over 
> 3,000," said Rana Mathew, a government spokesman. "The 
> southern islands are the most affected. No contact with the 
> island of Nancoveri been established as yet. So the death 
> toll might go up. And thousands of people are missing."
> Smaller numbers of deaths were reported in Malaysia, the 
> Maldives, Myanmar, Bangladesh and the Seychelles, as well as 
> along the distant African coastline, particularly Somalia, 
> where entire villages were reported to have disappeared.
> "All of the fishermen who went to sea haven't come back," 
> said Yusuf Ismail, a spokesman for the president.
> In Thailand, the government said 918 people had died, 7,396 
> were injured and thousands were missing, mostly on small 
> resort islands or among boatloads of recreational divers who 
> had headed out to sea in the morning before the wave struck.
> "I would say the death toll would definitely exceed 1,000," 
> Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said after visiting Phuket 
> Island, the most prominent of Thailand's beach resorts, where 
> the death toll stood at 130. "We have a long way to go in 
> collecting bodies."
> Many of those killed there were foreigners, but the most 
> prominent of the dead was Poom Jensen, 21, the Thai-American 
> grandson of King Bhumipol Adulyadej.
> The smaller island of Phi Phi Lei, which was the scene of the 
> movie "The Beach," starring Leonardo DiCaprio, was reported 
> to have been mostly leveled. On another small island, the 
> proprietors of the elite Phra Thong Resort said only 70 of 
> 170 guests were accounted for.
> Apart from the huge death toll, it was the presence of large 
> number of foreign tourists that distinguished this disaster 
> from the many floods and typhoons that take a heavy toll in 
> the region every year.
> In Sri Lanka, the government said as many as 200 foreign 
> tourists had been killed. In Thailand, an official estimated 
> that 20 to 30 percent of those killed had been foreigners. 
> The victims were reported to include people from Germany, 
> Japan, Italy, Sweden, France, Britain, the United States, 
> Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Holland, Norway, 
> Switzerland, Turkey, Spain and Russia. The number of 
> Americans dead stood at eight, including a well-known fashion 
> photographer, Fernando Bengoechea.
> Those numbers were tiny, though, compared with the 
> devastation suffered by the mostly poor fishermen, farmers 
> and laborers who populate the low-lying coasts of these South 
> Asian and Southeast Asian nations.
> In Sri Lanka, Susil Premajayantha, a senior minister, said 
> the homes of about 1.5 million people had been destroyed or 
> damaged. Few have the resources to resume their lives without help.
> He said 890 miles of railway track running south from the 
> capital, Colombo, had been washed away. Local officials told 
> The Associated Press that some 1,500 passengers had been 
> trapped in railroad cars as an entire train was caught in the 
> rushing tide and swept away.
> At least 400 prisoners were reported to have escaped during 
> the chaos from two jails in the southern area, and officials 
> offered them an amnesty to turn themselves in. Across the 
> region, police officers and soldiers patrolled in an effort 
> to halt looting.
> The United States Geological Survey said the 9.0 magnitude 
> earthquake on Sunday morning was the fourth-largest in a 
> century and the largest in the world since 1964, when an 
> earthquake measuring 9.2 hit Alaska. A number of strong 
> aftershocks have followed.
> "We have ordered 15,000 troops into the field to search for 
> survivors," said Edy Sulistiadi, a spokesman for the 
> Indonesian military, which is fighting separatist rebels in 
> the area. "They are mostly retrieving corpses."
> Warren Hoge contributed reporting from the United Nations for 
> this article, and Wayne Arnold from Lhokseumawe, Indonesia.