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October 2004


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Chuck Cantrell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Chuck Cantrell <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Oct 2004 17:24:07 -0400
text/plain (169 lines)
Thinking of graduate or professional school?  See how you would do on 
the entrance exam by taking a practice test first.
    Practice tests for the GRE, MCAT, PCAT, and DAT will be offered at 
UTC in Room 201 of the Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science
Building from 9 a.m. to 12:30 pm on Saturday, October 30.  Registration 
will begin at 8:15 a.m. These practice tests provide an opportunity to
assess one's abilities on national tests for graduate school and the 
professional schools in medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry.
    In the spring semester, we will repeat these practice tests and add 
the GMAT for business schools and the LSAT for law schools.
    The practice test session is sponsored by the UTC Graduate School 
and Kaplan Educational Centers. A donation of $5 per participant will
benefit the Graduate Scholarship Fund. The session is open to the 
Last week marked the completion of the two-week 2000 step noon walking 
program.  On behalf of the Health Science Coalition, I would like to 
thank all of the students who participated with us.
    October is designated as Physical Therapy month, and the theme of 
the American Physical Therapy Association for this year is "Fit for 
Life".  As the PT Month activity this year, the faculty, students and 
staff of the PT program have joined with partners from the other health 
science programs on campus to support the 2000 step noon walk program.  
Their willingness to come out rain or shine to guide the walks each day 
has been greatly appreciated.  Special thanks also to Carol Oglesby and 
EHLS students who made our signs and mapped out the 2000 step routes 
around campus that we have enjoyed walking during this program.
    As one of the participants who has faithfully joined in almost every 
day for our noon walk observed: "The nice thing about these 2000 step 
walks is you can get a reasonable amount of exercise and still have 
time to eat lunch--all during the lunch hour".  Another participant 
commented that she will continue her daily walks, but planned to start 
earlier because it fits her work schedule better.  Others have said 
they prefer to walk in the early morning or after work.  For those of 
you who would like to continue walking these 2000 step routes on your 
own or with a walking companion, Charles Hart has posted them for us at 
the following web address:  
    The 2-week noon walking program is ending, however, we hope that the 
UTC On the Move program will continue as students, faculty and staff 
accept the challenge to walk an extra 2000 steps a day.  The America On 
The Move web site is available to help you keep a record of your 
walking progress and to offer helpful hints on how to easily find time 
to increase your daily activity level, and the Tennessee On The Move 
web site has additional information highlighting happenings in 
Tennessee related to this national campaign.
    Remember that November 5th has been designated America On The Move 
Day.  As you visit the AOM web site, consider taking the AOM pledge to 
meet the goal of increasing your daily activity level by 2000 steps per 
day and decreasing your caloric intake by 100 calories per day.  Let's 
help keep Tennessee among the top states in the country whose residents 
are choosing to improve their activity level so they can stay "fit for 
The Social Work Club is collecting coats for the community kitchen. 
Look for boxes in Brock, Metro, Holt, Davenport, and the library to 
drop off coats. The coats will be delivered Thanksgiving and then again 
at the end of the fall semester.  Please email
[log in to unmask] if there are any questions. 
Thank you in advance for all of your help.
If you are aware of UTC seniors, graduate students, or young adults 
(under 35) in the community who might be interested in teaching English 
in Japan, there will be an information session about the Japanese 
Exchange and Teaching Programme (JET) on Thursday, November 04, 2004
from 12:00-1:30pm in 361 Fortwood Room in the University Center.
    The JET Programme is sponsored by various Japanese government 
ministries, and is the best opportunity available for Americans and 
people from other English speaking nations to experience Japanese 
culture. Anyone who is interested need not reply to this email. Just 
mark your calendars for this information session.
Wednesday, Nov. 10:
Bugs in the Bedroom.  Educational lecture, sponsored by Student 
Development Student Programs Advisory Committee and other campus 
organizations, about STDs, sexual responsibility and dating 
relationships.  8 p.m. in UTC Fine Arts Center Auditorium.
     In this program, Shawn and Gwenn use activities and demonstrations 
to demystify the condom, welcoming it into the bedroom. They also 
describe the negative feelings people have about condoms and debunk 
popular excuses for not using them ("they're not big enough," "I can't 
feel anything," and "I'm not at risk").
     Shawn and Gwenn keep the information funny and straightforward. 
Students will leave the program with the tools necessary to keep "bugs" 
out of their bedrooms. When it comes to safer sex and STD prevention, a 
little good information can go a long way toward saving lives.
     Speakers: Shawn Decker, a hemophiliac, acquired the HIV virus 
through tainted blood products at age 7. Much like Ryan White, Shawn 
was expelled by his school in rural Virginia when his status became 
known. He grew up surrounded by fear and ignorance. He grew up 
believing he would die of AIDS-related causes before he could drive.
    Shawn became a nationally recognized AIDS activist, infusing a great 
sense of humor with prevention and awareness issues. He wrote columns 
for national magazines about life with HIV. He was invited to the White 
House. He became a spokesman for HIV infected youth.
     And as the years passed, the possibility of a normal life became 
less remote, and Shawn began confronting some of the same issues that 
"regular" teenage men confront. But things were always a little more 
complicated. His peers began dating and experimenting with sex, and 
Shawn worried if a kiss at the end of a date could pass along the virus.
     Gwenn Barringer answered that question. The two met through their 
AIDS activist activities. She fell in love with him in spite of the 
virus, and in spite of his love for professional wrestling.
The Jones Observatory will be open for the lunar eclipse Wednesday, 
October 27, beginning at 9 p.m.  The eclipse should reach its peak 
between 10:30 --11p.m.  If the weather is not conducive to viewing, 
please visit us another time.
    The UTC Jones Observatory, located on Tuxedo Avenue in Brainerd, 
opens at 5:30 p.m. on Sundays. Lecture and Planetarium show will begin 
at 6 p.m. Weather permitting, we hope to offer telescope viewing until 
8 p.m.  For more information, please contact Jack Pitkin, 423/425-4518.

Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE)
4-Year Regional Champions
Meetings are held: Every Wednesday at 3:40
Fletcher 3rd floor in the UTC Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise Office
This award winning team welcomes new members
This event is being sponsored by the ASCE student chapter at UTC, 
Provident, and the Chattanooga Marine Corps Battery from Chattanooga. 
Collecting locations are the library, the UTC bookstore in the UC, and 
the Bursar's office in Fletcher.  Collection dates are from Wed. the 27 
through Friday Nov. 5th.  These items will then be collected and 
packaged accordingly as Christmas packages for the Chattanooga Reserve 
unit that was activated this past July. Our hope is to be able to send 
a package to each Marine serving over seas in this unit, to let them 
know that Chattanooga cares. If you would like to aid in the packing 
process or have any other questions please contact Shelby Rogers at 
[log in to unmask]
   Ideas for items include: Gel-insoles, Foot powder, T-shirts, 
Underwear, Socks, Glade Stick-Ups, Blankets, Big fluffy towels, Toilet 
paper, Small battery operated fans, Baby wipes, ORAL-B Brush Ups, Dixie 
cups, Small battery operated lights, Batteries, Cordless electric 
razor, Sun block, Small sewing kits, Stress balls, Paper and envelopes, 
Padded mailing envelopes, Eyeglass or sunglass cleaner wipes;
    Fun stuff like: Board games on key chains, Magazines, Disposable 
cameras, Toys like Slinkys, etc., Pocket electronic games, Roll of 
stamps, ATT Calling cards-International, Pictures of home/Chattanooga;
    Toiletries: Razors, Shaving cream, Shampoo, Conditioner, After-shave 
lotion, Soap, Mouthwash, Hand lotion;
    Food and Drinks: Instant coffee, regular and flavored; Tea bags, 
Powdered Gatorade, Lemonade mix, Kool-Aid (pre-sweetened), Powdered hot 
chocolate, non-microwave meals, Tuna in fresh pouch, Beef sticks such 
as Slim Jims, Crackers and cheese spread, Potted meat and crackers, 
Bagged chips, single serving size, Dry cereal in individual serving 
packages, Instant oatmeal or grits, Breakfast bars, Granola bars, 
Cereal bars, Power bars, Cup'o Noodles soups, Bowl Appetite dinners, 
Pop-Tarts, Cookies, Tuna with crackers, Triscuits and Ritz crackers, 
Lunchables that don't require refrigeration, Candy, Snack cakes, Graham 
crackers, Chocolate-dipped pretzels, Pre-packaged brownies, Bubble gum, 
Snack mixes like Chex Mix, Nuts, Pretzels, Rice-Krispie Treats, 
Applesauce, pudding or fruit cups with the pop-off lids, and Trail mix.
The Computer Literacy Proficiency Exam will be given Tuesday, December 
7, 1:00p.m., EMCS 220.  Applications are due by November 22 and the
application can be printed and sent to Dept. 2302 /or sent by e-mail to 
[log in to unmask]  You can access the application at