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September 2004, Week 1


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Denys Beauchemin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 6 Sep 2004 22:28:23 -0500
text/plain (90 lines)
When someone gets elected to the Senate, that person becomes one of one
hundred.  It is somewhat interesting to see how such people move up
further in the senate.  Many times, a senator will have one or more
issue which greatly interests them and they will devote their term and
sometimes multiple terms to that issue.  This may be such things as
campaign finance reform, health care, the environment, corporate
oversight, budget, taxation, etc.  Many times these people, while taking
a leadership role on that issue, will introduce and champion a piece of
legislation concerning that issue.  So you have the McCain-Feingold BCRA
(Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act) of 2002, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
2002, the Gramm-Rudman Deficit reduction act of 1985, just to name a

Other senators are more concerned about working in a committee where
they aspire to become the chairman or a least the ranking member (if
they are not in the party in power.)  There are 19 standing committees,
ranging from Agriculture to Veterans Affairs and including Armed
Services, Budget, Finance and Judiciary.  There are also 4 special,
select and other committees including Indian Affairs, Ethics,
Intelligence and Aging.  And finally there are 4 joint committees,
including Printing, Taxation, Library and Economic.  As you can see,
with 27 committees, a senator, especially if he has been around for 19
years might be expected to make a mark in one or more such committees,
and perhaps be able to point to a landmark piece of legislation (s)he
has introduced and championed.

Such is not the case with Senator John Kerry.  Indeed during his
acceptance speech at the DNC, he spent 20 seconds talking about his 19+
year career in the Senate.

From the time he got back from Vietnam and joined the VVAW (Vietnam
Veterans Against the War) John Kerry had only one goal and that was to
defund the military and the intelligence community.

During his time with the VVAW in 1971/1972, John Kerry accused all
American soldiers of committing war crimes and other atrocities against
civilians and prisoners during the Vietnam War.  He did this in front of
Congress; there is a record.  He even confessed to committing atrocities
himself on national television in that same time.

Now, John Kerry is a child of the sixties.  The only problem is he never
grew up.  He is still a child.  He has never had to work in his life.
He married money, not once but twice.  He has everything he has ever
wanted, easily.  He wants to talk about what he wants to talk.  When he
is shown to be wrong about what he is saying, he changes his story and
then says that's what he always said.  He never worked hard in the
senate and it shows.  He coasted.  Now he wants to be president and if
he doesn't get his way, he will pout.  When confronted with difficult
questions he can't give a straight answer. The answers vary depending on
the day and to whom he is talking.  When pressed for more complete
details of his programs he says that he can't tell us too much, because
it's secret and he doesn't want to reveal too much for fear it might be
contradicted.  He tells us fanciful stories about imaginary friends
(world leaders) who tell him in secret they want him to win.  He didn't
even resign from the Senate to run for President.  The man never grew
up.  I have four children; I am very familiar with these traits.

Finally, I would not worry much at all about John Kerry in the jungle; I
saw a recent picture of him with a shotgun.  He is holding it like he
would a broom.  :-)

(I started reading the article you included, but after getting to the
third Chickenhawk, I figured it was a partisan opinion piece and I gave
up on it.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Storm [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 2:03 PM
To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]
Subject: RE: [HP3000-L] OT: Site to Research Editorial Opinions?

You need to do some research yourself. You espouse your opinion as if it
were fact. I am not a big Kerry fan and you are entitled to your opinion
you should take the effort to check the LOC and get it right. Cheney
to cut the Defense budget far beyond anything Kerry has disagreed with.
While bush was drunk and in rehab I was fighting for my life. The very
bush deserted I lost 38 brothers. Where were bush and Cheney during my
If Kerry were given the opportunity to have a little one on one in the
jungle with either of these cowards they would crap their pants.

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