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March 2004


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SCUBA or ELSE! Diver's forum <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 26 Mar 2004 22:17:35 EST
text/plain (281 lines)
>Date:    Fri, 26 Mar 2004 01:44:13 +1000
>From:    Christian Gerzner <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: SCUBA-SE Digest - 21 Mar 2004 to 22 Mar 2004 (#2004-76)
>MIME-Version: 1.0

>> 3) An observation: people on this Forum, and probably all others,
>> sometimes get downright rude.
>>   All you internet geeks seem to think this is some sort of game.
>Oh, you don't? You're not?

  Oh, hell no.

  I can barely turn this thing on.

  And unlike you, I don't have to come here to be someone I can't be in real

>You're "geek" enough to hide behind an AOL address topped off with a
>false name.

  False name?

  I don't hide from anyone, especially with arms like mine.

  More than one person from this NG knows me, and my name, address and phone
number are all over the internet.

  I've stayed at Lee's house, had dinner with Hugh in my hometown in the
Tennessee mountains, and live right down the road from Feeeesh.

  So that would be another two counts you're wrong on.

>Me? I wouldn't even know _how_ to do that.

  You just hide behind an ocean.

  Of course, you can run your mouth like that to your fellow Germans,
because,  strictly as a society, everybodys' too much of a pussy to do anything about
it anyway.

>> What ever you say to me in here, you'll be held accountable for if we meet.
>What? You're not going to hide then? As in behind an AOL address with
>a false name? I'm impressed. Gollygosh. Truly.

  You would be.

>> And if this is the best y'all got, I can see why you stay out of Rec.scuba
>> and whine about it.
>I choose to stay out precisely because of my perception of the likes
>of you, silly, false people who threaten from a keyboard. Silly,
>false, people who really have nothing to contribute as far as SCUBA is

  As compared to the people here?

  That's rich.

>Notice something? You haven't! Not once since you've been here. All
>you've done is posture, pout, threaten and make perfectly silly
>statements. Silly you!

  Typical intenet hypocrite, and not too bright.

  I've made two more scuba-related posts here than you have in the same time

  Obviously, you are what you accuse me of being.

>> HOWEVER, making highly distasteful remarks about the (quite possibly
>> dead) mothers of Forum members (or any other familial members not
>> directly related to the subject matter) is, IMO anyway, entirely
>> beyond the pale.
>>   And I would care, why?
>Well, exactly, but then:
>Because you dont have the sense, the propriety, to understand?

  I -do- have it, I just choose not to waste it here.

>>   Why you're waiting, I suggest you define the term "amoral sociopath", and
>> keep it in mind whenever you direct a post at me.
>I think that first word should be "while"? Reef Feeesh would be the
>first to agree that I don't nowadays make like a spellchecker. In your
>case I'm perfectly happy to make an exception.


  Grammar correction.

  The lame last stand.

  As if you're worth using spell check for.

>Gosh, "amoral sociopath"! Them's pretty big words for the likes of you
>aren't they? But then I guess that your psychiatrist taught you those two?

  Which psychiatrist?

>As in "repeat after me ..."
>Oh, I've just realised, that's your description of yourself? Good one!

  Yes. it was.

  It's not always self description either.

>>   You'll find that I'm -at least- as polite to other people as they are to
>Speaking somewhat more seriously you have, quite definitely, proved
>otherwise. Whether your perception of your correspondence with
>Jean-Marc agrees with mine, or that of any other person on this list,
>or not, I repeat, bringing in someone's mother and alleging quite
>extraordinary (ugly) deeds to her is, as I said, beyond the pale.

  We've already covered the import of your ettiquette concerns at length.

  Doesn't make her any less of a traitorous bedwench.

>Did Jean-Marc allude to the atrocities that your father committed in
>See? The boot is all of a sudden on the other foot.


  Boot on the other foot, eh?

  Oh, no, please, please don't be sooooo mean (yawn).

  How self important you are.

  A) My father wasn't in WW2, and I wouldn't care if he was.

  B) Any atrocities, such as your pathetic reference to Dresden (which came
after -how- many years of buzz-bombing London?) that you would "accuse" my
father of, I would probably be proud of, like the brave American air crews that
retaliated against Nazi Germany and its barbaric government by gleefully
torching Dresden (as their brothers gleefully did Tokyo).

  You guys got less than you deserved, and you'll have to cry your own little

>Yes, I'm assuming
>your father was/is of that age. Sorry if I'm wrong, but my father was,
>and he was even on that "other" side. He was also a surgeon who tried
>desperately to save life rather than take it.

 Oh, yeah, I heard about those medical experiments up at the concentration

  I never met a German who said "Oh, yeah, my dad was a genocidal stalag
guard sergeant".

  It's always the denying whiners like you.

  "My father opposed Hitler."

  Sure he did.

  No wonder you people question if the Holocaust ever happened.

  By your own revisionist history, there were no Nazis in -the first place-.

  How then could they have slaughtered the Jews?

  What a -joke-.

>Or do you also think that the Allies (which happens to include the
>Soviets, history tells us that Stalin's Soviet regime was a MUCH
>greater killer, including of Jews, than Hitler) were, all of them,
>perfect little darlings?

  Which has -what- to do with Frenchy's mother being the barracks pump?

  "-Ja-,baby...Ich will Nylonaktien!"

>How's about the bombing of Dresden as just one example which
>immediately springs to mind?
>Were there American bombers involved in that?

  Almost exclusively, thank god.

>It is an example, just one. For my part I have NO intention of letting
>this thread wander off into the murkiness of WWII.

  Since you're done now.

>*YOU* started it, *I* want to finish it right here, trust me however,
>there are not a few on this list who will bury you if you continue
>with this, which you (sadly) started.

  "I" started it?

  Fuck off, mate.

  It's all in black and white.

  While your reading comprehension has already been savaged in this very
post, who said what to who is right in the archives.

>> And that while you, or others are -being- impolite, I'm not at all
>> interested in your "rules", or "netiquette" or "guidelines" about
>> -especially the French-, for whom rudeness to Americans is a national
>> pastime.
>Actually, the French can often be "rude" to all native English
>speakers (not just you Americans). You see, they happen to think that
>it is polite, when in their country, that people are at least polite
>in their ignorance of the French language. Sadly most native English
>speakers, no, the vast majority of them, are not.

  And I would care what's done in France, why?

  After all, the first, and most obvious problem is....:


>Funny that, there is an English saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans
>do". It's a very good saying, unfortunately most native English
>speakers ignore it.
>Actually the French are rude to any people who speak a language other
>than French, unless those people at least make an effort. With that
>efort the "rudenes" disappears. I know, I've tested that at length and

    Which has -what- to do with Frenchy's mother being the barracks pump?

>>   Keep your mouth shut, or FOAD.
>Ooooohhhhhh, your THREATENING me!!! I'm TERRIFIED!!!

  Ah, the Keyboard Commando.

>I had to look up "FOAD". The polite form is Freak Off And Die.
>Charming, nice one. I'm totally impressed.

  Pound sand up your ass.

>>  And if you're east of the Mississippi, I suggest you mind your tongue if
>> you don't want to lose it.
>>   I don't mind a daytrip to adjust an attitude.
>So you're going to find me?
>East of Misissippi?
>You're proving yourself to be a silly, posturing, little man, Mr
>Buzzcutt and like many silly, posturing, little men your lack of
>geography (inter alia) is significant.
>Think on that, if that is a possibility.
>The "little" description above, incidentally, is NOT relevant to your
>physical size, I trust you get the drift.
>Then again, who knows, it may be that your sole purpose in life is
>simply to serve as a warning to others.

 Just out of curiosity, do you ever come to America, Christian?