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December 2003, Week 4


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Richard Barker <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Richard Barker <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Dec 2003 10:25:12 +0100
text/plain (96 lines)
Brice wrote:

"I don't recall any American's suicide bombing civilians in Iraq, Fred."

But you might recall murdering over 10,000 Iraqis in the invasion.


Obviously we are not getting anywhere with these circular arguments.  My
main issue with most of the right wing/pro war/kill all our enemies, is just
that you need a bit of perspective.  In my arguments it might seems as
though I think America is to blame for everything and capitalism is evil
etc, but I am just trying to point out that there 2 sides to every story.  I
have the impression that you want to view the world in simple black and
white terms, Israel is right, Terrorism is always wrong, Socialism is evil,
America is great, etc.

Unfortunately everything is very grey.  It's important to remember we are
all human beings and the vast majority of people just want to live their
life without problems.  What you have to question is what makes someone
change from wanting to bring up his family in peace to wanting to sacrifice
his life to harm others.

Look at parallels in history.  During the second world war were the French
resistance wrong as effectively there were terrorists, when they attacked
the Germans.  From the German perspective they were.  Are the Iraqis that
are blowing up American/British soldiers in Iraq, freedom fighters or
terrorists.  It's all depends on which side of the fence you're on, but you
can't just say one is categorical right and the other is wrong.

Look at the Native Americans, in comes this mob of foreigners taking your
land.  The Natives attack the invaders in the only way they know how, they
are then represented in the press as evil nasty savages and must be wiped
out.  Eventually the superior numbers, fire power and organisation virtually
eliminate them from the Earth.  Think about the Palestinians, suddenly you
are told to give up your land to someone else, you are then humiliated
during a battle to repel these invaders and have to accept that they are now
you masters and will do what they wish with you.  Do you accept this and
just get on with it or do you become so disillusioned and frustrated that
you decide to attack them with the only means you are capable of.  Israel
has murdered a lot more Palestine's than the other way around.

The overall point is that I am not saying terrorism is the answer or that
Israel is completely wrong.  I am just saying that you have to put yourself
in both camps before passing judgement.

At the beginning of the conflict in Iraq the US/UK governments were moaning
about an Iraqi television channel showing captured US soldiers, claiming it
breaks the Geneva convention.  Yet we now see Saddam humiliated on TV and
his two sons lying dead in a mortuary.  We have people illegally kidnapped
from all over the world to be held in a prison camp in Cuba, without trial,
charge or representation.  I personally see that as very hypocritical of a
country that pushes the idea of freedom and justice for all.

Again, please don't interpret this that I think America is evil, I am just
saying that America and in fact nearly every government in the world does
some pretty nasty things, so don't be so quick to point the finger at

Sorry, a bit of a rant for Christmas Eve.

We at Virgin Express will not be sending company Christmas cards this year,
but would nevertheless like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy,
prosperous and, above all,  a healthy 2004. Instead of sending cards through
the post, we shall make a donation to a charity for the homeless. If you
feel that you are missing out, we offer you a festive smile at our on-line
Christmas card which you can view here:
Thank you

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