April 2003


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Melissa Anyiwo <[log in to unmask]>
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Melissa Anyiwo <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 9 Apr 2003 09:51:00 -0400
text/plain (162 lines)
Yes the (in)famous Harry's email is down once more so....

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>>At 10:49 AM 4/8/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>>>after reading the various comments on raven this morning, i, once again,
>>>cannot help but comment. first, thanks to mary coleman for actually
>>>exhibiting some compassion. it seems to be in short supply in our nation
>>>today. we need more of it. innocent people are dying in droves in an
>>>illegal and immoral aggression.
>>>as for the polls, one should be aware of a couple of facts concerning
>>>these surveys. first, analysis by numerous polling organizations shows
>>>that repubenrons and conservatives are much more likely to respond to
>>>these polls than demos and liberals. just recently, the gallup
>>>organization admitted that the refusal to respond rate  had risen to
>>>65%. this means that if a group of 1,000 people is identified for a
>>>survey, 650 of them refuse to respond. in case you are misinformed,
>>>these non-responders are not replaced. thus, the poll is taken of 350
>>>people, not 1,000, and they are more likely to be repubenrons than
>>>demos. obviously, this skews the results of the polls. one might notice,
>>>too, that in the reports, the actual format of the questions asked is no
>>>longer given.
>>>add to this the blatant propaganda being disseminated by the regime and
>>>it's captive national media, one might truly think that the anti-war
>>>voices are a small minority. don't believe it. when i asked two history
>>>classes, comprised of a total of 62 students, if they supported the war
>>>effort, eight responded positively. some of the others expressed
>>>outright opposition, and the rest expressed grave concerns about it all.
>>>while i realize that this was not a scientific poll, certainly one would
>>>expect a greater amount of support among the students in as conservative
>>>a community as ours. when i asked if they supported the troops, however,
>>>the response was overwhelmingly positive. there is a distinction between
>>>supporting the troops and supporting the war. if you repubenrons don't
>>>believe it, just ask your party leaders, tom delay and trent lott. it
>>>was mr delay who opined in 1998 during the kosovo war that "this is a
>>>bad war being waged by a bad president." mr lott simply said that, "you
>>>can support the troops without supporting the president." i agree with
>>>them wholeheartedly.
>>>as i earlier delineated, the bush regime lied in every particular about
>>>the reasons for going to war. when their assertions and documents proved
>>>to be lies and distortions, they began to pound the humanitarian issue,
>>>not first and foremost, but as a last resort when all their other
>>>arguments had proven false. they kept fishing for a reason that would
>>>resonate with the generally credulous american public. the more
>>>disingenius of our fellow citizens, who like the bush regime, wanted an
>>>excuse to make war on iraq, took up the humanitarian banner with a
>>>passion. these people are true cynics. you will notice that they
>>>completely ignore the fact that the bush regime's lies have been
>>>exposed, as if those reasons were never put forth in the first place,
>>>and it had been about human rights all along. meanwhile, no one
>>>questions why we are not putting miltary pressure on north korea, a
>>>human rights disaster that unquestionably has wmds, and has expressed a
>>>willingness to use them, or china, whose human rights abuses are
>>>legendary. will we go after them next, or will we stick with assaulting
>>>weak, third world countries with large oil reserves that we know we can
>>>defeat without too great an effort? the members of the bush regime are
>>>already talking about taking the war to syria, iran and egypt once iraq
>>>is pacified.
>>>we all know that hussein is a ruthless dictator, but so are many of our
>>>allies. this week the bush regime issued its yearly human rights abuse
>>>report. among the countries that it took to task for torturing and
>>>abusing prisoners, using stress and duress tactics on them, denying
>>>legal assistance and other crimes were our "coalition of the willing"
>>>partners, egypt, pakistan, saudi arabia, kuwait, uzbekistan, and
>>>eritrea. the report also made the incredibly disingenius statement that
>>>"there were no reports of political killings in israel during the year."
>>>at home, we are told that support for the war is overwhelming and that
>>>dissenters, such as the dixie chicks and their lead singer natalie,
>>>mains, and michael moore, have suffered greatly for their anti-war
>>>comments. let the record be set straight. although the media has
>>>reported that sales of the chicks albums have dropped and that their
>>>concerts are not selling, the facts are that the number one album on
>>>billboard's country charts for this week and the last several is... the
>>>dixie chicks! Entertainment Weekly reported that, during all the fuss
>>>about their statements, the chicks actually rose from #6 in sales to #4!
>>>the number one country single? "traveling soldier" an anti-war hymn
>>>by...the dixie chicks! in yesterday's ny times, frank rich reported that
>>>he had attempted to purchase tickets for the dixie chicks concerts in
>>>every venue in the country. i know you will be surprised to find out
>>>that they are all SOLD OUT! why is the media misrepresenting the facts?
>>>michael moore's book, "stupid white men," which has been on the nyt best
>>>seller list for 50 weeks, jumped back to the #1 spot last week. his
>>>oscar winning movie, "bowling for columbine," is outpacing the best
>>>picture winner, "chicago," in orders from amazon.com, and box office
>>>receipts have risen sharply since his anti-war, anti-bush regime speech
>>>at the academy awards. of course, if you have been listening to cnn, or
>>>especially to the whackos at fox news, you probably did not know this.
>>>the fact is that this war is deeply troubling to most americans, and the
>>>opposition to it is much wider than the propaganda machine lets on. this
>>>war violates every principle that the cold war generation of americans
>>>was taught to believe in. americans do not strike first! we do not
>>>engage in torture of prisoners and denial of basic legal and human
>>>rights! we do not, and will not, attempt to impose our beliefs on other
>>>nations! only nazis and commies did such things. that's what we were
>>>brought up to believe. yet, now it is touted as legitimate foreign and
>>>domestic policy.
>>>something is terribly wrong in our country today. those values of free
>>>speech, an independent press, the concept that one is innocent until
>>>proven guilty, that the people are "secure in their persons, houses,
>>>papers, and effects, against unreasonable search and seizure," and that
>>>the u.s. does not desire or condone military world domination, have all
>>>been thrown over for a militant, aggressive foreign and domestic policy
>>>that repudiates them all.
>>>h. m. hays
>>>history dept.
>>>The wars are long, the peace is frail
>>>the madmen come again
>>>there is no freedom in our land
>>>where fear and hate prevail
>>>isn't this a terrible time?
>>>                 -The Weavers-
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>>Melissa Anyiwo, PhD
>>University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
>>History Department
>>408 Brock Hall, Dept. #2052
>>615 McCallie Avenue
>>Chattanooga, TN 37403
>>TEL: 423-425-4565
>>FAX: 423-425-2138
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Melissa Anyiwo, PhD
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
History Department
408 Brock Hall, Dept. #2052
615 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37403
TEL: 423-425-4565
FAX: 423-425-2138
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