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March 2003, Week 1


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Michael Baier <[log in to unmask]>
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Michael Baier <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 6 Mar 2003 12:06:24 -0500
text/plain (133 lines)
When I visited the Alamo I saw the German flag there and I bet the French
was there as well. As men from these countries also stood beside Travis.

Still, because we do not want to fight this war (Iraq) we are to be
believed cowards. I as a native German really reject all the jokes about
the French. They are very proud people and mostly of honor. Sometimes hard
to understand, mainly a language problem.
I am very glad, that I do not have to fight them anymore in my lifetime.

If you turn this story around, maybe Saddam believes that he is Travis and
Mr. Bush is Santa Anna. However he is only fighting for staying in power
and his freedom.
Not my beliefs but somehow sounds so different and yet so similar.

On Thu, 6 Mar 2003 10:16:02 -0600, John Hurt
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>'Commandancy of the Alamo
>Bexar, Feby. 24th, 1836
>To the People of Texas & all Americans in the World-- Fellow Citizens and
>I am besieged by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna--I
>sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost
>man--The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise the
>garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken--I have answered
>the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the
>walls--I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name
>of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to
>come to our aid with all despatch--The enemy is receiving reinforcements
>daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five
>days. If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long
>as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own
>honor & that of his country--Victory or Death.'
>-- William Barret Travis Lt. Col. comdt.
>* * * * *
>Let the old men tell the story
>Let the legend grow and grow
>Of the 13 days of glory
>At the siege of Alamo.
>Lift the tattered banners proudly
>While the eyes of Texas shine
>Let the fort that was a mission
>Be an everlasting shrine.
>That they died to give us freedom
>That is all we need to know
>Of the 13 days of glory
>At the siege of Alamo.
>Were Alamo Heroes Foolish?
>By Chuck Baldwin
>March 6, 2002
>Today marks the fall of the Alamo in 1836. Some 186 brave and determined
>patriots withstood Santa Anna's seasoned army of over 5,000 troops for 13
>days. To a man, the defenders of that mission fort knew they would never
>leave those ramparts alive. They had several opportunities to leave and
>live. Yet, they chose to fight and die. How foolish they must look to this
>pragmatic generation of spoiled Americans!
>It is difficult to recall that stouthearted men such as Davy Crockett, Will
>Travis, and Jim Bowie really existed. These were real men with real dreams
>and real desires. Real blood flowed in their veins. They loved their
>families and enjoyed life (Travis was only 23 years old) as much as any of
>us. There was something different about them, however. They possessed a
>commitment to liberty that transcended personal safety and comfort.
>"Liberty" is an easy word to say, but it is a hard word to live up to.
>Freedom has little to do with financial gain or personal pleasure. Freedom
>brings with her an unattractive companion called "Responsibility." Neither
>is she an only child. "Patriotism" and "Morality" are her sisters. They are
>inseparable. Destroy one and all will die.
>Early in the siege, Travis wrote these words to the people of
Texas: "Fellow
>Citizens & Compatriots: I am besieged by a thousand or more of the Mexicans
>under Santa Anna. The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion,
>otherwise the garrison are to be put to the sword. I have answered the
>demand with a cannon shot & our flag still waves proudly from the walls. I
>shall never surrender or retreat. VICTORY OR DEATH! P.S. The Lord is on our
>As you read those words, remember that Travis and the others did not have
>the Anti-Christian Liberties Union, the People for the un-American Way, and
>the National Education Association telling them how intolerant and
>narrow-minded their notions of honor and patriotism were. A hostile media
>did not constantly castigate them as a bunch of wild-eyed extremists. As
>school children, they were not taught that their forefathers were nothing
>more than racist jerks.
>The brave men at the Alamo labored under the belief that America (and
>really was "the land of the free and the home of the brave." They believed
>God was on their side and that the freedom of future generations depended
>their courage and resolve. They further believed their posterity would
>remember their sacrifice as an act of love and devotion. It all looks pale
>By today's standards, the gallant men of the Alamo seem rather foolish.
>After all, they had no chance of winning - none! However, the call for
>"pragmatism" and "practicality" was never sounded. The clarion call they
>answered was, "VICTORY OR DEATH!"
>Please try to remember the heroes of the Alamo as you listen to our gutless
>political (and religious) leaders calling for appeasement, compromise, and
>tolerance. Try to recall the time in this country when ordinary men (and
>women) had the courage of their convictions and were willing to sacrifice
>their lives on the altar of freedom and principle.
>I'll tell you this, those courageous champions didn't die for any political
>party or for some ambiguous "lesser of two evils" mantra! They fought and
>died for a principle! So did the men at Lexington and Concord. That is our
>history. On second thought, do they look foolish, or do we?
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