March 2003


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Andy Novobilski <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 12:37:22 -0500
text/plain (114 lines)
Although Billy got here before I did, I am sending my comments on as
well.  I, too, have sat quietly on the sidelines until now, but this is
too much to let go unchallenged...  Andy Novobilski

>        Dear Governor Bush:

The correct title is "President".  Personally, I am pleased to once
again have someone in the Whitehouse whom I am comfortable addressing
with that title.

>        1. There is virtually NO ONE in America (talk radio nutters and

> Fox > News aside) who is gung-ho to go to war.

Correct.  No one "wants" a war.  However, over 71% of people polled (and
this comes from the ultimate of 'nutters', CNN) support the President's
decision to protect our national interests by enforcing rules that have
been agreed to, but repeatedly broken.  How quickly we have forgotten
September 11th.  It's as if talking about it somehow made it OK and
allowed us to think it won't happen again - wrong.

>        2. The majority of Americans -- the ones who never elected you 
> --

Again, a misconception.  After all the dust settled in Florida, wasn't
it funny that there was no smoking gun brought from the closet to
validate claims that President Bush failed to carry the state?  Of
course, the FACT that it was independently verified by journalist from
several major (dare I say liberally oriented) newspapers that President
Bush won the state by legal standards.  Finally, we will never no the
true vote count - states such as California quit counting votes after
they know how to direct their delegates to the electoral congress.

>        3. As Bill Maher said last week, how bad do you have to suck to

> >lose a popularity contest with Saddam Hussein? The whole world is 
> against >you, Mr. Bush.

Interesting point.  Let's see - Germany who continues to sell Iraq
technology for the production of chemical weapons, Russia who continues
to sell Iraq technology for supporting their armor and aircraft, France
who continues to sell Iraq nuclear technology (and I also believe is the
Iraqi régime's biggest banker right now), and North Korea who continues
to sell Iraq missile technology.  Sometimes, its those that oppose you
that make the biggest point for your continuing on the path your on. 

>        4. The Pope has said this war is wrong, that it is a SIN. The 
> Pope!

As a Catholic, I find this somewhat disturbing.  I watch several
committed members of religious orders leave in order to follow their
sense of God's calling into activist roles in government against Pope
John Paul II's instructions.  Of course, the Pope never saw his visits
to Poland while it was a communist block country as making a political
statement.  Also, I wonder if there has ever been a Papal envoy to Iraq
that explained that raping, torturing, starving, gassing, etc. ones own
people was a sin as well.  I, for one, believe that President Bush is
following a course of action that he believes is the best for the
country based on both prayer and counsel of others.  Isn't it amazing
that the only ones being criticized are the ones that won't kill you if
they don't like what you say.

> But even worse, the Dixie Chicks have now come out against you!

Interesting.  But now that you've brought it up, you should look at
http://www.charliedaniels.com/soapbox/soapbox.html to see how another
entertainer views world situations.  Its interesting that ole' Charlie
actually has facts, thoughts, and commentary to back up his stand.
Also, I would guess that his views are closer to the previously
mentioned 71% than those of the Dixie Chicks.

>        5. Of the 535 members of Congress, only ONE (Sen. Johnson of 
> South >Dakota) has an enlisted son or daughter in the armed forces!

And yet, what support did the sailors on the USS Cole who lost their
lives receive from the administration at that time for their sacrifice?
The perpetrator of that act was allowed to remain at large because the
previous person occupying the Whitehouse found it too unpopular to deal
with him (costing an additional 3000 plus lives in NY and DC).  To the
sailor's on board the Cole - you were not forgotten.  We don't take your
sacrifice lightly and we are about to do what is necessary to help
reduce the risk of it ever happening again.

>        6. Finally, we love France.

Sure, its their CURRENT government that we're having trouble with.  I
find it interesting that France has said it will join the action if
Chemical Weapons are used.  Funny, aren't these the weapons the French
government is claiming don't exist as a justification for acting as
Baghdad's lackey?

>        Well, cheer up -- there IS good news.

Sure is.  We are now being led by a team that believes in doing what is
right, as opposed to doing what the public opinion polls conducted by
left leaning vote counters indicate is most popular.  Y'all should read
Thomas Friedman's (http://www.thomaslfriedman.com/) book "Longitudes and
Attitudes" for an interesting commentary on the middle east.  Of course,
you might be surprised that a person who refers to the "Bushies"
actually support's the President.  If you do browse the book, read the
column on the turkey.

Finally, to those of you with children, spouses, friends, etc. serving
in the armed forces, know that you and yours are in the prayers of many.

Andy Novobilski

Andy Novobilski, Ph.D.
UT Chattanooga Computer Science
(423) 425-4202