February 2003


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Stephen Leather <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Stephen Leather <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 13:33:58 -0500
text/plain (273 lines)
Dear UTC Community,

This is a well balanced recommendation that we would all be wise to 
investigate (in our own individual ways) on this issue or any other.

Thank you.

Stephen Leather

Stephen P. Leather
Library Associate II
Course Reserves Coordinator,
Access Services Dept.
Lupton Library
[log in to unmask]

And since so many others here have a quote: "TANSTAAFL"

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dr. Vincent L. Bolduc
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:28 PM
>To: Class of 2003 Mailing List; Class of 2004 Mailing List; Class of 2005 
>Mailing List; Class of 2006 Mailing List
>Subject: FW: The approaching war . . .
>These next few months could be the most important months of your lives 
>thus far. As you are undoubtedly aware, the U.S. is on the verge of 
>declaring war on Iraq in order to remove Saddam Hussein from power and 
>destroy the weapons of mass destruction that he is believed to be 
>stockpiling. Almost 200,000 American troops possessing awesome firepower 
>are on their way to or are already poised on Iraq's borders awaiting final 
>instructions from the White House. As one commentator said: "The world is 
>holding its breath."
>Do you know and understand all that is behind these drastic steps? Many 
>college students are not yet well informed on the subject, much less have 
>sufficient understanding to make an educated judgment about whether or not 
>our country would be making a "wise" or a "foolish" decision-a moral or an 
>immoral decision.
>As students, what can, and what should YOU do?
>As one educational organization has put it: "there are few better examples 
>of democracy in action than an informed citizenry openly exploring and 
>supporting or challenging the most important governmental policies and 
>decisions that affect the nation"  (Board of the Association of Colleges 
>and Universities). A number of the faculty have been discussing OUR role 
>as academics, and have come up with a few recommendations.
>First and foremost, do your best to be as well informed as possible about 
>this volatile situation. As college professors, our entire lives are 
>dedicated to pursuing knowledge, truth, and understanding, and we believe 
>that's what students should be doing as well. Only when you are 
>knowledgeable will you be in a position to fully exercise your 
>responsibilities as an educated citizen of a democracy. Once adequately 
>informed, your choices of action, if any, will be limited only by your 
>Towards this end, several of our colleagues will be hosting a time for 
>meeting and learning more about the situation. This will take the form of 
>discussions to be held in McCarthy. Watch for further details.
>Secondly, we are asking our fellow professors to consider taking time out 
>of their usual classes sometime in the week of February 10th for class 
>discussion of this vitally important subject. Not everyone can do this, 
>but perhaps enough professors will provide the time so as to raise the 
>level of discourse on campus.
>Few of us are "experts" on this complex subject, even though we all do our 
>best to keep current. We read quality newspapers and news magazines, we 
>listen to and watch the kinds of TV or radio stations that are dedicated 
>to the intelligent understanding of complex matters. Students can do the 
>same, as some do already.
>Many students tell us that they get most of their news from the Web, and 
>that too can be an excellent source of news, but sometimes its hard to 
>separate the quality from the trash. We have some suggestions and urge you 
>to scroll through our list (below) and pick a few of these Web sites to 
>peruse.  Perhaps one of your professors will ask you to study a few of the 
>sites, and report back to the class during that second week in February. 
>This is our third suggestion: study the facts.
>We wish we could have simply listed sites that were "fair and balanced" or 
>"objective" in their presentation of the various sides of the war, but 
>that is not possible. The very word "objectivity" seems out of place in 
>the current climate. How can we know what is right for our country? For 
>world security and peace? It's very complicated. The nation is 
>increasingly divided over the issue, and Europe, the Middle-East, and Asia 
>are showing increased strains.
>Some of the sites below have a clear point of view, such as the White 
>House and the Department of State. On the other side are activist groups 
>that are organized in their attempts to end the war before it starts. Some 
>sites seem to have the air of judicious reserve, and appear logical and 
>analytical while others are deeply impassioned or polemical. Read from 
>several different points of view; try to see all sides, and don't be 
>naïve. Talk with other interested students. And listen too. Don't accept 
>any one perspective; think critically about all, and come to your own 
>As individual professors, we each have our personal leanings on this 
>conflict, but if you are to become fully educated, you must form your own 
>opinions, and back them up with facts, logical reasoning and a firm moral 
>foundation. We present these sites in that spirit, unable to endorse the 
>superiority, accuracy or fairness of any single source.
>After informing yourself about the situation, you may choose to try to 
>convince others of the rightness of your position. Call or write to 
>friends, family, members of Congress, the White House, members of the UN 
>Security Council. Go to a rally. Everyone wants peace and security.  How 
>can we best attain it?
>Finally, the fourth thing that you can do is pray.  Pray for the wisdom to 
>know what to do, but also pray that our leaders will follow a just path in 
>attaining world peace and security for all. Fr. Mike Cronogue is leading a 
>peace vigil outside Alliot Hall every Tuesday evening. Join him and talk 
>with others.
>Thank you for reading this.
>Here are the sites, some with brief annotations.
>Official Government sites:
><http://www.whitehouse.gov>www.whitehouse.gov <http://www.whitehouse.gov> 
>especially the National Security news at 
>and other links to
>* Department of Defense 
><http://www.uruklink.net/eindex.htm> The official Iraqi government website.
>The official President of Iraq website.
>The United Nations:
>This is the site of the United Nations Security Council, specifically the 
>UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission. This page contains 
>the 60 day summary report of Hans Blix, Chairman of the Commission, as 
>issued on January 27th.
>The press on the web, each with frequent articles on the subject:
><<http://www.nytimes.com/>http://www.nytimes.com/> The New York Times on 
>the web
><<http://www.washingtonpost.com>http://www.washingtonpost.com> Washington Post
><<http://www.washtimes.com/>http://www.washtimes.com/> Washington Times 
>US News
>The Christian Science Monitor
><<http://online.wsj.com/public/us>http://online.wsj.com/public/us> Wall 
>Street Journal online.
>Canadian Online Information Source
><<http://news.bbc.co.uk/>http://news.bbc.co.uk/> British Broadcasting 
>Company, world edition
><<http://www.oneworld.net/>http://www.oneworld.net/> London based, general 
>world news with a focus on third world countries.
>This is a news service called "Islam on line." There is a whole section on 
>the Iraq situation.
>Some well-known organizations of nonviolence, peace and social justice:
><<http://www.paxchristiusa.org/>http://www.paxchristiusa.org/>  Pax 
>Christi USA, the national Catholic peace movement
><<http://www.networklobby.org/>http://www.networklobby.org/> The National 
>Catholic Social Justice Lobby
><<http://www.usip.org/>http://www.usip.org/>  The U.S. Institute of Peace. 
>Mission: "to strengthen the nation's capabilities to promote the peaceful 
>resolution of international conflicts."
><<http://www.nonviolence.org/>http://www.nonviolence.org/> "Source for 
>news and commentary on peace and nonviolence."
>Quaker sponsored American Friends Service Committee-pacifist.
>Moral and religious approaches, especially "just war theory":
>NOTE: Christians and non-Christians alike have employed "Just war theory" 
>to determine whether or not the decision to go to war is moral. "It 
>reflects the collective legacy of Western thought - both religious and 
>secular - in grappling with enduring moral concerns where the stakes are 
>literally matters of life and death. Despite its religious origins - in 
>the duty to defend innocent life (and the common good) from unjust 
>aggression as a matter of charity or love of neighbor - the tradition also 
>finds expression in thoroughly secular forms that do not rely on religious 
>grounds. And it forms the basis for much of modern international law, 
>especially regarding the proper use of force."-John Cullinan. See these 
>sites for articles that apply this theory to the present situation:
>"First Things is published by the Institute on Religion and Public Life, 
>an interreligious, non-partisan research and educational institute whose 
>purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the 
>ordering of society."
>An American Catholic organization.
>This page from the above site contains the Pope's statement on the pending war.
>A thoughtful article from a professor at Gonzaga University
>The Institute on Religion and Democracy
>The National Review
><<http://www.sojo.net/>http://www.sojo.net/> Publisher of Sojourner 
>magazine-a Christian organization dedicated to the integration of 
>spiritual renewal and social justice.
>International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). This 
>organization is coordinating a week of anti-war resistance and 
>protests-February 13-21.
><<http://www.nisbco.org/>http://www.nisbco.org/> The Center on Conscience 
>and War, a pacifist organization for Conscientious Objectors
>The Heritage Foundation has an article on "Iraq: Disarm and Dismantle 
>Saddam's Dictatorship."
>This is an excellent article on the concept of "Regime Change" from the 
>Christian Science Monitor.
>This Hope College site has many links to web pages with a large diversity 
>of perspectives. It also contains a short list of recommended reading.
><<http://www.einnews.com/iraq/>http://www.einnews.com/iraq/> A general 
>news page highlighting Iraq.