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September 2002, Week 4


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Fri, 27 Sep 2002 14:30:43 -0400
text/plain (32 lines)
> I will not vote for evil, lesser or greater. When I am put into the
> situation, which is often, I skip that ballot line. There
> have been many
> elections where I only vote on the referenda.
Another option is to vote NOTA (None Of The Above) as a write-in vote, if
for only reasons of personal satisfaction. I believe that in the most recent
remake of "Brewster's Millions", Brewster ran a "Vote NOTA" campaign, to
encourage voters to vote NOTA above in an upcoming election (in order to
inherit Wealth Beyond The Dreams Of Avarice, he had to spend $30M in 30
days, with a set of conditions on how he could spend it). At least in the
movie, when NOTA was the majority vote, neither candidate won.

How this would be handled in real life probably varies greatly. Election
laws are funny things. Before John Ashcroft lost an election to a widow, a
small town in Oklahoma had something similar happen. The incumbent won by
spending. A retiree ran for the nomination of the opposing party, and won
that. Then he died. The incumbent was confident that the people could not
elect a dead man, but that did not stop them from doing so. When he took it
to court, the court read the law as is was written, prohibiting a party from
nominating a dead man. There as no law to cover this precise contingency, so
the election stood, and had to be handled as though the elected man had died
in office. It effectively ended the previous incumbent's political career.

There are always options. Voting NOTA is one of them.

Greg Stigers
So, is today a holiday or not?

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