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June 2002


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Reef Fish <[log in to unmask]>
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SouthEast US Scuba Diving Travel list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 2 Jun 2002 23:24:44 -0400
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On Sun, 2 Jun 2002 18:11:35 -0400, Krazy Kiwi <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

It's now MY turn.  One reason it took me so long before getting around
to this list was that I have still been trying unsuccessfully to find
out anything about the disappearance of Steve and Donna Weigold who
were expected to arrive at about the same time Viv did, on May 31, but
never did, and haven't heard a word from, or about, them!

Another reason was that I put myself to good use (as a dishwasher :-)
while letting Viv do a little catching up on HER email accounts, from
my CompuServ.  Sue was worn out from doing just some of the after-the-
party clean-up after I crashed at 2 am, and was still napping.  I think
Viv made good use of her 207 minutes when I finally finished and
reminded her it was time to have something to eat!   :-)

>Mike Wallace wrote:
>>Morning Kids....
>>Had a great time yesterday with all you denizens of the deep! It was
>>great to meet some more of you folks and attach the faces to the names.
>>Certainly wish a few more of ya'll could have been there with us. You
>>can rest assured you were talked about. :-)
>Yeah, were you ears burning Strike ;-)

To a crisp, I bet!  :-))

>Great to put a face to the names .. and amazed how good Jeff is.

I think that impression is unanimous, among those who have known Jeff
and had followed on Scuba-SE Jeff's ordeal at the hospital, and his
remarkable recovery (including losing 40 lbs and gaining them all
back), all within FIVE MONTHS!

>I was impressed with the aquarium displays. Saw three different types of
>fish I had never even heard of before that blew me away with their massive
>size. Two of them were butt-ugly but still fascinating to watch.

I bet one of them was that Russian sturgeon from the Volga River!

>The seahorse display was brilliant compared to most I have seen. I was
>surprised how active the majority of the seahorses actually were. Most
>normally cling on to something & act dead but these critters were swimming
>all over the place .. many trying to untangle themselves from smaller
>hangers-on. It was quite funny to watch the seahorse scuffles and very
>obvious the breeding program is going well.

My sentiments precisely!  It was comical to watch 1 or more what
appeared to be tiny baby seahorses hanging by the tail onto another
seahorse which is no longer than an inch or two, and then see the
latter rigorously trying to shake off the hitchhikers (usually

>This morning they took Alfie & I to great spot for a buffet breakfast.

As you might have deduced by now, the mini-NEDfest dwindled down to
size 4 by this morning.   :-)   We had indeed done most of what we
wanted to see or do (the Aquarium and the in-person encounter) on June 1.

The last play-it-by-ear session, which lasted till midnight, clinched
the decision to go separate ways with Harold's group of four on breakfast
and what to do the rest of the day, mostly on account of "GRITS" which
was preferred by one, but not particular favored by the other.  :-)

>Tried the famous *grits* & biscuit (which I would call a scone
>as a biscuit is a cookie to me ;-)).  Grits reminded me of something that
>was a mixture of oats, rice pudding & porridge boiled up together. I would
>have preferred jam and cream on my scone ... opps biscuit .. but I tried it
>the right way.  Wasn't too bad but I was not racing back for more ;-)  Guess
>I have got too use to me fush 'n chups.

While we were at the greeeets and beeesuit and gravy section of the buffet
counter of at least 50 items of breakfast foods, Viv first asked me what
grits were, and I said "I dunno".  Then she turned to the attendant
behind the counter and asked the same question, and he gave the answer
that "grits are made of grits".  :-))

>Well da Feeesh has turned up to say we have to think about dinner .. I'm
>still as full as a bull so looks like a light salad tonight.

Which I duely took these closing lines as a subtle hint, and we had a
light meal at the Super!Salad buffet (what else?  :-))  which featured
mostly soup and salad.

I am doing these Scuba-SE follow-ups while Viv is trying to make good
use of my free (anywhere 50 States) unlimited weekend cell-phone
minutes to talk to a CAIV02NEDfester or two.  :-)

This should do for me for today.

-- Bob.