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March 2002


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Krazy Kiwi <[log in to unmask]>
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SouthEast US Scuba Diving Travel list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 23:07:24 -0500
text/plain (67 lines)
A couple of friends of mine & I were chatting, via email, about the war and
it made me think about some of the dive spots I have been lucky enough to
dive on overseas that included similar dumped gear. I include a snippet of
that email below if you are interested.

My mate POR wrote:
>Yesterday, on my garbage run to the recycle center, I heard a
>Jeep radio commercial. They mentioned the manufacturer - Daimler
>Chrysler. I hadn't thought about this previously and it provoked me
>to laugh. Oh, how the wheel turn round and round!
>I'll explain. Immediately after WWII, There was a massive need to
>be rid of all the war machinery, munitions, etc. I happened to the
>stationed at this time in Bremen, Germany. It was called the Bremen
>Enclave because it was technically in the British zone of
>occupation. They gave the USA control of this enclave of Bremen
>and Bremerhaven in order for us to have a seaport on the North
>Sea. Bremerhaven is a very large port.
>While in Bremen, I often traveled to Hamburg (in the British Zone)
>because I had friends there. One side of the autobahn was passable.
>The other side was still peppered with bomb craters. Often, Allied
>bombers that didn't get to their assigned targets would just unload
>their bombs down on the autobahn just to get rid of them. Fun, fun.
>The other side from a few miles out of Bremen to the end of the
>Enclave (maybe twenty miles) was filled with Jeeps. Thousands of
>Jeeps all parked very snuggly, orderly and in a military fashion.
>These Jeeps were awaiting their fate, which was to be loaded on
>ships, taken out in the North Sea and dumped overboard along with
>all the other surplus stuff.
>There was a constant hue and cry from the Germans as well and
>other nations, especially Russia, as to why we were dumping all
>these vehicles when they were needed so badly. The Germans were
>driving old stream powered autos - anything that would run. I
>saw their point, but the big brass didn't. The US Military
>Government even forbade Germans to own or possess any US property.
>My laugh came because of this commercial. At last, the Germans
>were not only driving Jeeps, they owned the damned factory!!!!

I recall a day trip to Roi-Namor off of Kwajalein atoll - diving on various
planes or parts of planes that had been dumped there.
Shallow dive spots around Papua New Guinea where surplus equipment was just
bulldozed off the land into the sea.  It will be interesting to hear from
others what surplus equipment from war time they have dived on.

Technically I am just .. for want of a better word .. a recreational
wreckie. I have done no wreck diving course but have had the luxury of a
dive guide on all my wreck penetrations. I have aborted more than a couple
of wreck dives when I have noticed my assigned dive buddy for that
particular penetration dive is not comfortable with the situation once they
have gone inside ... or myself not felt right about it.
How many others on this list are wreckies?

After the SPUMS conference in Vanuatu in the middle of May is over I will
be flying over to Santo to dive on the SS President Coolidge wreck before
heading off for the CHA02NEDfest .. and later the Cayman liveaboard get-
together. A whole month off from the office ... haaaaaaahooooooooo!!
I also must get my act together & scan some of my wreck pics to add on to
my very neglected web page .. but this is a very good opportunity to let
you know that another on our list .. who is more organised than I!! .. will
soon have his Bikini Atoll & Kwajalein pics, with trip reports & other
interesting pics all sorted out for you to view.
Psssst ... do check out the mystery diver ;-))